Author Topic: Open Borders: A Truly Bipartisan Effort  (Read 128 times)

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Open Borders: A Truly Bipartisan Effort
« on: January 16, 2021, 03:02:33 pm »
Open Borders: A Truly Bipartisan Effort

In 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which Rep. Romano Mazzoli (D-KY) and Sen. Alan Simpson (R-WY) co-sponsored. It granted amnesty to about 3 million illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico.

IRCA passed through the U.S. Senate with a 63-24 vote; it passed in the U.S. House of Representatives with a 238-173 majority. Reagan signed the bill into law on November 6, 1986. Remember, at the time, the Republicans controlled the Senate, while the Democrats controlled the House.

Prior to the act’s passage, we were told that the country’s illegal alien population was only about 1.5 million.

In his diary entry for October 16, 1986, President Reagan penned what sounded very much like the same political rhetoric we hear today: