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Online Elderberry

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The Purge is Here
« on: January 12, 2021, 02:48:44 pm »
The Post & Email by Jeff Crouere 1/11/2021


In recent years, most Americans refer to The Purge as a television and movie series, that depicts the violence and mayhem which occurs when citizens can commit any crime, including murder, during a 12-hour period once a year. However, the real “Great Purge” truly happened, it was not just Hollywood fiction.

In the Soviet Union, during the Stalin years, communist party leaders purged their membership ranks of “undesirables” on a regular basis. In the “Great Purge” of 1936-38, more than four million people were executed and many more were sent to prison.

Sadly, many progressives in our country today have communist tendencies. Although these leaders are not calling for the execution of Trump supporters, many are claiming that the “deplorables” should be banished from society and should be purged from public life. Instead of a 12-hour period, they are trying to make it permanent.

Even before Hillary Clinton used the term “deplorables” to refer to Trump supporters, the President’s political base faced withering criticism and ostracism from left-wing members of the media, the political establishment, and the Deep State. We should never forget the infamous texts of former FBI agent Peter Strzok, who described Trump supporters as smelly Walmart shoppers.

This week, CNN’s Anderson Cooper said the protesters who gathered at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday will “go back, you know, to the Olive Garden and to the Holiday Inn they’re staying at, and the Garden Marriott, and they’re going to have some drinks and they’re going to talk about the great day they had in Washington.” This elitism is insufferable, but it is all too commonplace among the left. They hate both President Trump and the 74+ million people who voted for him.


Online Elderberry

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Re: The Purge is Here
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2021, 02:51:54 pm »
The Great Purge Begins

Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog 1/10/2021

Friday big tech monopolies started their purge of conservative voices at the very top, by banning President Donald Trump from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitch and others in a coordinated attempt to silence him at the end of his first term as President.

As Ann Althouse noted, there was nothing about President Trump’s speech (or his tweets, for that matter) that incited violence.

But Trump wasn’t the end of it. As Ed Driscoll noted over on Instapundit, “TODAY, SILICON VALLEY SETTLES ALL FAMILY BUSINESS:”

    Google suspends right-wing app ‘Parler’ from Google Play Store.

    Earlier: Apple Has Threatened To Ban Parler From The App Store.

    UPDATE: Steve Bannon’s podcast shuttered by YouTube over false 2020 election claims.

And by “false voting fraud claims” they mean “mostly true voting fraud claims.”

That’s not all:

    Among the people who have been booted:

    Salem Media’s Kevin McCullough, who posted questions about the votes moving backwards in the Georgia run-offs and posted Trump’s video from his rally.

    The Team Trump account was axed too.

    Techno Fog who broke court documents on the Russia hoax.

    Tracy Beanz who also did yeoman’s work on Russia hoax.

    Influencers on the right suddenly over the last couple of days were also finding their Twitter followers dropping off precipitously. Not just a few people but a lot of influencers, even smaller not well-known people.

More at link.

Online Elderberry

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Re: The Purge is Here
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2021, 03:04:02 pm »
Tech Giants rule the United States and the Purge continues

JoNova 1/12/2021

No dissent will be allowed:

Craven groupthinkers Verizon, AirBnB, Marriot, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Hilton Hotels, American Airlines, BP, Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs, Boston Scientific, Microsoft, Facebook and Visa all suspended contributions to any member of Congress that objected to the Electoral college. We wonder if that includes all the past Democrats who did the exact same thing.

Hallmark Cards took it further and spread some badwill — it even asked for its donations back from the representatives who represented the millions of Americans who doubt election integrity. Election integrity does “not reflect our company’s values.” they said, or words to that effect. Their cards were always overpriced anyway.

The current state of healing in the United States:

Former CIA Director John O. Brennan, called 74 million Americans a “malignancy” and demanded they denounce Trump to eradicate wrongthink or something:

    Anyone now seeking national redemption by claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong it was to ignore & enable his corrupt, dishonest, & divisive agenda.

    Total denunciation of a despot’s legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy.

    — John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) January 9, 2021

Silence is violence. Ignorance is Strength and the CIA is crooked.

The tentacles of the TechGiants spread through the Democrats

Tech-monster, Democrat, what’s the difference?

TennesseeStar reports:

At least seven former higher-ups of Facebook or the charity run by its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, have secured positions in President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team, despite Democratic Party officials labeling the social media giant among the biggest threats to American democracy.

Jessica Hertz was the Director of Facebooks regulatory team and is the new Whitehouse staff director. She used to work for Biden before she worked for Facebook.

“The ultimate arbiter for ethics for the Biden transition was a senior regulatory official for Facebook up until a few months ago, at a time when progressives and the Biden campaign are fighting against the right-wing agenda of Facebook,” said the Director of the Revolving Door Project, Jeff Hauser, according to Politico.

More at link.