Author Topic: US and Israel on top military alert for Iran to exploit DC political mayhem  (Read 134 times)

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US and Israel on top military alert for Iran to exploit DC political mayhem
Jan 9, 2021 @ 8:52 B-52 bombers

US military chief Gen. Mark Milley distanced the Pentagon from the demand made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Jan. 8, under the title: “Preventing an Unhinged President from Using the Nuclear Codes.” She acted in the wake of this week’s stunning stampede by Trump supporters through Congress causing five deaths.

Gen. Milley confirmed the conversation but avoided referring to attempts to strip the president of his authority as commander in chief ahead of moves by Democratic lawmakers for his impeachment on Monday, nine days before Joe Biden’s swearing-in as president.

Amid the political havoc in Washington, the US military and its Mid-East allies were keeping a wary eye on possible moves by Tehran or its proxies to exploit for malign purpose the incoming administration leaders’ preoccupation with assaulting Trump in the last days of his presidency. Saudi Arabia’s Royal Air Force (RSAF) and the US Air Force completed a bilateral military drill, in which Saudi F-15SE fighters and American B-52 strategic bombers and F-16 fighters participated. The heavy B-52 bombers had been flying over the Middle East for the past two weeks, repeatedly crossing the skies over Israel, amid high tension with Iran.

Gen. Milley will have been informed of IRGC chief Gen. Salami’s unveiling on Friday of a huge underground missile base along the Persian Gulf coast. Iran’s state TV clip clearly showed him leading a group of senior commanders as they walked over large US and Israeli flags painted at the tunnel entrance.