Author Topic: It’s Time for a Writ of Quo Warranto, President Trump  (Read 281 times)

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It’s Time for a Writ of Quo Warranto, President Trump
« on: January 07, 2021, 05:17:46 pm »
The Post & Email by Leo Donofrio 1/7/2020


Here’s the punchline up front: Biden can be ousted from Office by a Writ of Quo Warranto as determined by a civil jury. This is not a fairy-tale. This is not a “Hail Mary.” This is the proper legal procedure our government provides for erroneous or fraudulent elections. And President Trump will have a much better chance of succeeding if he starts the process before Biden is inaugurated. Spread this post everywhere fast. This action needs to be filed yesterday.

If the State Legislatures moved faster in early November, they could have appointed electors then. Biden would have run to SCOTUS and lost. That didn’t happen, but the Legislatures are moving fast now. Pence could have bought them more time. But Pence has failed us. All he had to do is kick it back to the Legislatures for a few days. Instead he gaslighted America by indicating that President Trump asked him to “unilaterally” override the Constitution. No he didn’t. He asked Pence to obey the Constitution over a statute.

The unconstitutional Electoral Count Act of 1887 is virtually unreadable. Nobody understands it. Nobody can say if it’s even a statute or a legislative rule. (Don’t believe me? Read this.) But we certainly know that it does not override the Constitution, which grants the Legislatures plenary authority over who gets the electors. So why didn’t Pence let Biden run to SCOTUS for help? Because Pence is a sad creature of politics. He is as deep state entrenched as you can possibly get. Just ask General Flynn. I haven’t trusted Pence since he threw Flynn to the wolves.

It’s truly a blessing that state legislatures are coming around to see the actual fraud in their states, and it’s not too late to right the ship. President Trump can institute a statutory Writ of Quo Warranto. This is a rarely tested federal statute that gives Trump a genuine chance for a jury to decide whether the election was stolen.


Chapter 35 from The Code of the District of Columbia is entitled “Quo Warranto”. § 16–3501 states:

“A quo warranto may be issued from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in the name of the United States against a person who within the District of Columbia usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or exercises, a franchise conferred by the United States or a public office of the United States, civil or military. The proceedings shall be deemed a civil action.”

Read the rest here.
