Author Topic: Important! READ & SHARE! SAVE AMERICA! Psychopaths Seeking Power. The World today - 2021  (Read 3143 times)

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Analysis - Psychopaths Seeking Power. The World today - 2021 (read to the end)

Pandemic killing thousands, violent protests in the United States, growth of China as a super power, after all what is happening to the world?

The explanation for all this begins with a group of Polish doctors, including Andrew Lobaczweski, a doctor  who studied what was going on in Poland after the Second World War, when the country fell under the  control of communism.

With Poland under Russian control, communists began the work of  indoctrinating the population by placing their operators in key posts throughout Polish society.

At that time, Lobaczweski and his colleagues were medical students when a new communist teacher was introduced. It was up to him to indoctrinate students in the “new communist reality in the country”.

Lobaczweski and his team began to observe a change in behavior among some classmates, due to the influence of the professor and finally, they ended up secretly, for years, studying that change in behavior, the actions of that professor indoctrinator and communist politicians. Over the years, and with a scientific eye, Lobaczweski and his colleagues identified and “diagnosed” something extraordinary: that indoctrinator and most of the communist that took the Poland by storm was probably made up of psychopathic individuals and many of the students who they changed their behavior, accepting the psychopath's domination, presented symptoms similar to hysteria. Yes, psychopaths. Lobaczweski and his colleagues concluded that those communists were psychopaths  acting in cooperative mode, in power. The work of Lobaczweski and his colleagues was finally published in a book titled “Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes” in New York, in 1984.

Endowed with a capacity for convincing and a will to dominate, that teacher, and the Polish communists elite, observed under a scientific approach, unveiled a new reality, never before studied from the medical point of view:  psychopaths  acting in a cooperative mode to achieve political goals.

Lobaczweski's group studies realized something that was happening in Europe for decades, since the Russian communist revolution, through the rise of Nazism and the Second World War: the taking of governments by psychopathic individuals, acting in groups, driven by craving for power, control and suffering of the people.

But what are really a psychopath?

We have all seen movies or news  about psychopath individuals who commit terrible crimes, such as serial killers, rapists, professional killers, etc. This is the current image that most people have about psychopaths, usually disseminated by the cinema, or by newspapers, through police pages.

But there is a well-defined concept in science about what a psychopath is. Psychopaths  are individuals who have in common a number of established  characteristics:

- little or no empathy with others, that is, to the psychopath, other individuals are not really people with whom he identifies, with whom he sees himself in them, as people just like him. To  psychopaths, other individuals are almost as  a class of objects, almost as if only components of the environment around him, but not people like him.

-  psychopaths have no remorse, they do not feel guilt for the destructive actions they take in to other peoples, so, for them, killing or destroying someone's life are not actions that are accompanied by a feeling of guilt. Not that they don't know that bad actions are wrong, that they are actions that are not accepted by society. They just don't care about that.

- psychopaths are often highly manipulative individuals, lying and hiding their actions, disguising their true goals when they involve harm to third parties, their victims. Here is an addendum, psychopaths are not necessarily more intelligent than the average population, but as in the rest of the population, they can be very intelligent individuals.

- psychopath are more likely to have promiscuous sexual behavior, seeking sex with a larger number of partners,

- psychopaths, even though they have no empathy for their victims, they can take pleasure in seeing the suffering they inflict on them. But not just pleasure in making another person suffer, and observing that suffering. An important aspect of psychopathy is that the individual takes pleasure in experiencing his own aggressiveness. That meaning, in a point of view,  psychopaths are similar to most people, they seek to explore and “give wings” to their personality, looking for and executing actions that allow them to experience their exacerbated natural aggressiveness. Just as a sportsman can, for a lifetime, be involved in sports, because he likes it, because he feels good in sports, or a musician or an aeronaut, who throughout their lives get involved and practice music or aviation (to quote more evident examples of normal behavior), psychopaths seek activities that allow them to “experience”, “exercise” their aggressiveness without restraint, freely, during the life they lead.

A record fits here. Aggressiveness, by itself, is not a bad thing. We can be “aggressive” in sales, studies, work, sports, acting with energy and determination, driven by the “natural and beneficial aggressiveness that drives human beings forward”. Aggressiveness is not synonymous with harming someone, of doing harm. I can be aggressive at work, generating wealth, selling, investing, hiring, always with respect to the laws and other occupants of the “game” of life. I can aggressively disputing  a ball against a defender, without hitting his leg, I can lower the price of my product and make less profit without practicing dumping (selling below the production price to broke my competitor), or I can study hard (aggressively) the books for the exam instead of cheating on that exam.

The psychopaths  uses their aggressiveness without the psychological brakes that most people have and that allows us to regulate our aggressiveness, socially. A caring and polite mother when she sees her offspring in danger can become extremely violent against an abuser. Natural aggressiveness exists in all of us.

But how does a psychopath brain work? How is it different from the vast majority of the population? Why does he have no remorse or guilt?

The study of psychopathy has come a long way in recent decades, thanks to diagnostic imaging systems, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in which we can see in real time the reaction of brain structures to different types of images presented to individuals.

Those studies demonstrate that psychopathic individuals have a low performance in the region of the cerebral amygdala, in which are elaborated emotions, such as love, fear, compassion, guilt,…. That region interacts with other regions of the brain, mainly with the prefrontal cortex region, in which are elaborated  the decisions and that interaction results in the individual's actions. In all of us.

As a psychopathic individual has a low performance of the amygdala, emotions, such as love, compassion and guilt, remorse, become of little relevance in the formation of the thoughts and actions of psychopaths, leading him to take action in a situation of deprivation, or reduction of these emotions.

Some authors differentiate the term psychopath from sociopathy, attributing psychopath to the individual genetically predisposed to aggression without guilt, while sociopath is attributed to the individual who becomes excessively aggressive due to social and environmental factors, such as child abuse or brain damage, for example.  Some attribute more aggressive behavior to so-called psychopaths. Such differentiation has no importance for this analysis. Also,  in this analysis the words socialist and communist are used as synonymous.

Studies indicate that in any society there is a relatively constant percentage of individuals with psychopathic behavior. It is estimated that near 3% of people are psychopaths at some level, showing the characteristics of lack of empathy, lack of remorse taking harmful actions at some level to other individuals. That is, in today's human society with 7.8 billion people, psychopaths matches are about 234 million individuals!

Of course, not every psychopath person is a murderer or a thief. The psychopathic characteristics vary in intensity and form according to each individual. So we can have highly aggressive psychopaths like serial killers, or more discreet ones, like individuals who apply financial scams, harming friends or partners, or harming co-workers or are aggressive towards those over whom they have some kind of power, such as family members and subordinates.

Another characteristic of psychopath is to try to exercise positions of power. It is not uncommon to find psychopaths in professions that are given responsibility and power over other individuals. This variation in the way of acting, more aggressive or less aggressive, occurs because they may have different levels of aggressiveness and lack of empathy for others, thus, although they are psychopaths, some of them  manage to regulate their actions, using them to reach positions of power .

So, the actions of a psychopath can be more or less harmful to the individuals around him, according to the degree of psychopathy  and the degree of aggressiveness of his personality.
Summing up, there may be more or less aggressive psychopaths, more or less intelligent, more or less manipulative, more or less effective. From the cold killer to the public administrator who steals money that should be used in public hospitals and ends up killing patients, due to the lack of resources.

That is because, psychopaths can learn to acting in a socially in appropriate way,  as they grow up, which is more rewarding, in the face of social norms, to curb their actions, not out of empathy with others, but out of interest himself, so as not to suffer social reprisals.

It is interesting to note that many psychopaths are manipulative, exerting their aggressiveness in a surreptitious manner, on people, in order to be able to exercise aggressiveness without manifesting it in an evident way.

Why do many  psychopaths become manipulative? Because those who do not engage in banditry early, robbing, stealing or killing, in some way, to a lesser or greater degree, are able to learn to survive in a society with rules.

That is, many psychopaths, during learning in the first years of life, may perceive their own aggressiveness and lack of empathy, as something that is disapproved of by the individuals around  them (through socialization, which every child goes through within the family and in school). Thus, psychopathic individuals can, slowly, over the years, learn how to “appear normal”, to pretend emotions that are socially appreciated, simulate compassion, legitimate interest, learning through the years, to observe that emotions and actions are appreciated by the social environment, simulating them while secretly giving vent to their true intent, to their true nature. In the meantime, they manipulate, present themselves as virtuous individuals, get what they want from their victims and then harm them.

All that is not speculation. These characteristics are admittedly true, studied for decades by psychologists and psychiatrists. That's how psychopaths they are, that's how they act. The reader should keep  that number,  234 million of  psychopaths in the world, in mind when reading the rest of this review.

Of course, for ordinary people, the 97%  normal population, what is known about the highly aggressive psychopaths, is what is said in the movies and news, which are murderers, rapists ... But for those who have already crossed the path of a psychopath manipulator, whether a husband or wife, a boss, a partner, a friend, or even a son, that a couple discovers is a psychopath, this reality is more evident.

Again, a politician who steals a city's health budget is probably a psychopath. He will decrease the quality of medical care for the population, probably kill people and don't care. There is no remorse.

The partner who deals a blow to colleagues in a company, bringing prejudice and anguish, is probably a psychopath. So, the secret to understanding what the psychopath manipulator is (different from that murderer one) is to understand that many of the cases that we see in the newspapers or that we witness in real life, those in which we describe the individual as dishonest, trickster, scammer…. These individuals are, in an important part,  psychopaths. The only difficulty for society is that we don't know that. Or, we didn't know that.

At that point we return to the beginning and now we can answer, what is happening to the world.

The job of Lobaczweski and his colleagues, allows us to understand what is happening today.

In the same way that Lobaczweski and his colleagues identified the communist elite in Poland as psychopath individuals, we can identify the current global socialist and globalist actions as being carried out also by psychopathic individuals. The types of actions are the same, the modes of indoctrination and the socialist doctrine itself are the same and the consequences are the same.

We can affirm that the global communist and globalist leadership is composed of individuals, the vast majority, psychopaths. Like the Russian, Chinese, Cuban, Venezuelan communist leaders and so many others who have promoted deaths and destruction throughout history. That is what the current reality is about, this is what Lobaczweski's work was about, identifying the performance of psychopathic individuals in politics. The same type of individuals who were responsible for more than 70 million deaths in the Russian, more than 20 million in China, both after their “people’s revolutions”. We can count another 6 million Jews killed by the communists of National Socialist German Work’s Party. Yes, the nazis were socialists. Thousands of deaths in Cuba, murdered by Cuban communists. Here, to illustrate the  performance of psychopathic communists in politics, it is worth remembering the speech of the communist leader Che Guevara, stating, in full UN general assembly,  that he was murdering Cuban political prisoners. In his speech we can see complete  aggressiveness, total lack of remorse and… political action!

The speech of the psychopath Che Guevara illustrates exactly what we are talking about. He talks about killing innocent people, political prisoners, simply because they were political opponents of the communist government. He showed all his aggressiveness, without remorse, without any guilt. That is the psychopath communists/globalist.  Remembering Che Guevara was a communist, he was nothing else. He was a communist player.

He and Castro killed thousands, Russian communists murdered tens of millions. MILLIONS. Chinese and Russian  communists together killed nearly 100 million people, of their own inhabitants. Russian communists murdered  more than 2 million people in the so-called Holomodor Holocaust, in Ukraine, when they confiscated food in citizens' homes and farms to send it to Russia, itself going through a famine. Millions of Ukrainians died of hunger, due to the communists. And all of this can happen again, since the China often experiences internal peaks of inflation and food shortages.

The connection between these actions, between these communist governments, today, can be understood thanks Lobaczweski and colleagues study carried out in Poland.

We can extrapolate and extend Lobaczweski's work to the countries listed above, all communists, all victims of psychopaths WORKING IN COOPERATIVE MODE.

Yes, unlike the psychopath in the movies and news, which usually appear acting alone, psychopaths can act in an cooperative way, among them, when they have common goals. In fact, according Lobaczweski, psychopathic individuals can intuitively recognize other psychopaths, through the similarity of their behaviors. This is the case of the murderous gangs that infest the cities of the world. These gangs are largely composed of psychopathic individuals, who kill, sell drugs, steal, without any guilt or remorse.

In the same way as the murderous gangs, but with a different level of aggressiveness, the psychopaths ones in politics act cooperatively. The most evident groups of psychopaths in politics (the most well-known political gang) are formed by socialists and communists. Which leaders, mostly composed of psychopathy individuals, thirsty for power.

History shows us the amount of kills promoted by communists in the world. Communists leadership is  formed mostly by psychopaths seeking power. Doubt? Do the math again, scientifically speaking we have about 234 million psychopaths in the world. Where are they? A good part in politics. Who was the political group responsible for the largest number of deaths  and atrocities in history? Communists and nazis - again, the nazis  were socialists, it was in the name of the party.

That is the reality that we face now. With the emergence of the democratic state and the possibility for all people to run for office and reach power, psychopaths have an advantage over the other 97% of not psychopathic individuals, namely, unrestrained aggressiveness and capacity, learned during life, to manipulate the people around them. This manipulative advantage became evident in German psychopathic socialists,  during the rising of Nazism, in which a big part of the people were induced to believe in the lies and foolishness of the nazis, and the part that they did not believe feared for their lives, or even was killed, as in the events of ”Night of Long Knives”  in which Hitler's party promoted the simultaneous murder of political opponents.

The political electoral process and the capacity that psychopaths have to act in a cooperative mode way led to the formation of “political gangs” within communities. In the same way that less sophisticated psychopaths form gangs of assailants and drug dealers, more “elaborate” psychopaths can turn their attention to entering the political world, where they can, through the “political process”, experience all their aggressiveness, seeking, fighting for power, for the key to public money vaults, and for dominance over the rest of the not psychopathic population.

It is in this way that psychopaths see society, 97% of individuals are not aggressive, witch   individually are easy prey, but they are numerically superior,  without the aggressiveness and the ability to cheat and manipulate the other 3% have. To psychopaths, whether in street gangs, or in political  gangs, the 97% normal people are not just an obstacle for them to experience their aggressiveness (due to social rules). Those 97% are also targets of their naturally aggressive personality. To the political psychopaths, the numerical advantage that the 97% has over the psychopaths, leads them to use the strategy of manipulation and not fighting. This huge difference in the numbers of not psychopaths explains the specialization in social manipulation that political psychopaths have developed over the years.

In the end, this is a fact of nature, a fact of reality, the remaining 97% of people, to the psychopaths, are like prison guards, or even, a threat, not people. For that reason, psychopaths act as they do, when they are in the field of view,  “hunting”, the other 97% normal people simply become targets of the aggressive and unapologetic animal. That is what happened to the Jews and the German people in Germany. This is what happened to Ukraine and China. This is what happens with Cuba and Venezuela. And that is what today's and communists are doing with the Western world. Cheating and manipulating the 97% not psychopathic people (or at least a good part of them).

But why do psychopaths exist? Does psychopathy, in the human species, have any function?

We can understand that the human race, over the times, evolved from an aggressive animal, hunter of other animals, to a differentiated being, with the ability to see others as equals, to relate, to love, to have compassion. This was undoubtedly a major evolutionary step.

But if the compassion and identifying oneself as an equal was an evolution, what is the role of the psychopath in this evolution of the human species? Why did nature keep the 3% of psychopaths within the species? Yes, we know that psychopathy is not a disease, it is a type of behavior found in certain individuals, but it is not something identified as an organic disease, although in certain cases it can be "initiated", through experience or a brain trauma.

Leaving Lobaczweski's study aside for a moment, the answer to the existence of psychopaths can be evolutionary. Everything indicates that the existence of psychopaths in the human species may
be related to the need to balance the “less aggressive” behavior that the human race has developed, and which has benefited it immensely in evolutionary terms, with the need to maintain a certain aggressiveness for the times when the environment becomes more inhospitable, when greater aggressiveness in hunting or breeding may be of interest in preserving the species.

As we saw above,  psychopaths (men and women) have a greater tendency to have a larger number of sexual partners. Thats in a less favorable environment, may be the difference between the continuity or not of the species itself.

We must remember that the climate on Earth, although favorable to life, during the ages, naturally undergoes enormous changes regularly. This generates more or less abundance of water and food. For example, only in this last human "format", the species homo sapiens, is about 150 thousand years old. During this period, our species went through variations on temperature  and rains with radical decrease in  food, fruit, game…. Having the possibility of counting a percentage of extremely aggressive individuals in hunting and available for breeding is not only a competitive advantage, it can be almost a necessity for the very preservation of the human species. That would be the role of  psychopaths in the human species, to maintain a greater aggressiveness, for the difficult times, in evolutionary terms.

The problem is when these 3% of aggressive individuals act in a society that has evolved, that has been organized into states, nations, full of rules and norms, created by the other 97%, to enable coexistence and common well-being: the psychopaths, they become a piece that does not fit the puzzle of modern society.

How to deal  with psychopaths in politics, without letting them experience their  aggressiveness or their learned ability to manipulate and deceive? The answer: The population must know about the psychopaths in politics,  about their existence and identify their  methods of manipulation. It is not necessary to prohibit them from entering politics, but the population must be taught to identify them and to know their methods of action.

That being said, in 2020, the current situation is  worrying because history shows us the misfortunes and killings that occur when the psychopaths, notably those acting in the communist parties, promote when they reach the absolute power in a society. History shows us millions of murders by governments led by communists in Russia and China during the 20th century. Thousands of deaths in Cuba and Venezuela, to be more contemporary.

Let it be clear that psychopaths in politics do not only come from communist parties. Throughout the world there have always been many societies ruled by bloodthirsty dictators, but in the last century, it has become clear that socialism and communism have become a meeting place for psychopaths. Just look at the chain of murders and destruction promoted by the communism, a true “social club” in which psychopaths can experience their aggressiveness and manipulation without any strings attached. There is only one condition, that the aggressiveness and manipulation is directed at not psychopaths, but  to the remaining 97% of the population. Just like in street gangs.

We remember Che Guevara's speech at the UN again. He talks about killing,  murders promoted by his party, without any guilt, without remorse. That is the psychopath player in politics.

The current times again are dangerous for the remaining 97% normal people because, it seems that, in some way, contrary to the ancient times when the psychopaths distinguished himself and was identified by his greater aggressiveness and was eventually dominated by the remaining 97% people, in modern society, in the last 100 years, at the same time that modernity became a facilitator of the sharing of information, through the emergence of book printing, the modern press, the literary industry, TV and the internet, it became a means of performance for the psychopaths through one of its main characteristics: manipulation.

Yes. If the psychopaths has his natural physical aggression repressed by society, his capacity for manipulation, in turn, has been greatly favored, in an environment in which companies and individuals offer information and millions of people eagerly seek information.

The information society has changed the way the psychopaths interacts with the 97% not psychopaths. Now, they not only kills or steals and attacks. Now, they doesn't just manipulate their colleagues or friends. Thanks to technology, they have a whole society to manipulate. The fact that the psychopaths is outnumbered is no longer relevant, what matters is knowing how to use the means of information that modern society has created. In some way, the manipulation that psychopaths performed in nazy Germany, or in the great western media, today, is an amplification of the psychopathic own individual manipulation capacity… But now, using the means created by technology, by the printing of books or newspapers, reaching the era of TV and Internet.   

It is important to note that the existence of universities worldwide and the millions of people of intellectual formation age made these institutions an important target of the psychopath socialists who, from the 1930s on, began to occupy the teaching chairs and introduce the manipulative communist literary in those institutions. (remember, there are 234 million of psychopaths, in current numbers)

How psychopaths act in politics.

Let's take as an example the psychopath Hugo Chavez. He began his career of manipulation among the Venezuelan military with a speech "for the improvement of the life of the people". At some point, using all his aggressiveness and capacity of manipulation, he led a military coup to seize power. Arrested, was released and manipulating part of the Venezuelan voters, using the media, TV, newspapers, managed to reach power again. In a few years he began a policy of destroying Venezuelan industry and economy, at the same time as he modified legislation, banning the sale of guns to the population, placing members (mostly, probably psychopaths) of his party in positions in the judiciary, destroying the republican system of tripartite powers and censoring adversary news media.

With the Chavez death, Venezuelan psychopathic politicians, already stabilized in their cooperative mode, choose a new chief psychopath. Maduro, which consolidates the communist dictatorship, imprisons opponents, completed the destruction of the Venezuelan economy, impoverishing and weakening the people, now already unarmed and unable to fight for their freedom.

The goal of the Venezuelan psychopathic community has been achieved: to seize power, corrupt the political system, and subjugate the other 97% of the population. That has a name, old. It is called slavery.  This is what the psychopathic elite work for: to enslave the human population.

The method used is to slowly remove the defense and information capabilities of the remaining 97% normal. Slowly because...? So that the 97% are not compelled to act decisively against the psychopaths who are changing laws, taking away rights, guns, the voice of the citizens and when they realize they are already totally unable to react. It's the frog in the frying pan in the fire scheme. If the frying pan was put in the intense fire, the frog jumps and lives, if heated slowly the frog does not jump, stays and dies.

Laws are gradually being edited, curtailing activities and citizens' rights, always with the excuse of being for a greater good. The censorship of dissenting voices is gradually implemented, either through rules, denying the advertising of any truth other than the truth supported by the  psychopathic pack. Slowly, the psychopathic government edicts laws, restricts rights, and when the individual realizes he can't do anything... he has become a slave to the government.
It is interesting to note some common points among the actions of psychopaths on their way to total seizure of power. They seek to disarm the population by establishing laws that limit or prevent the possession of guns by 97% of normal people, under the most lying arguments. It was like that in Germany during  the rise of the III Reich, with restrictive laws, it was like that in Venezuela during the Chavez term. That is why socialist parties around the world postulate a ban on guns for not psychopaths. It makes sense, if a psychopathic elite intends to seize power and enslave the population (as occurs in the China), that by manipulating the laws, they removes the guns with which the population could  defend their freedom. The Venezuelan people, and the more than 2 million who fled the Venezuelan dictatorship, can witness that.   

Psychopaths to destroy the moral values of society by infiltrating universities and, in this way, training teachers who will indoctrinate the children of the 97% who are not psychopaths, and with that,  they promote the political  division among normal people, by inserting ideas that facilitate manipulation.

This indoctrination and mass manipulation during the early phases of communism involved the so-called "class struggle" in which communists claimed to fight for the proletarian worker, exploited by the evil capitalist. This discourse had to be set aside since capitalism showed all its effectiveness in creating and distributing wealth among the workers. Capitalism could no longer be blamed.  It no longer served as a tool  in the psychopathic manipulation.

Thus, psychopaths turned to manipulation under the guise of defending so-called "minorities," blacks, gays, refugees, and protecting the environment, anyone who could be used as a mass-of-maneuver, and as a showcase for manipulating the remaining 97% not psychopaths in electoral processes and the pursuit of power. Meanwhile, they continued to indoctrinate the children of not psychopaths people in schools and colleges, destroying values or dumbing down students through the low quality of education. Yes, this dumbing down of the children of the other 97% normal people is intentional, as is the gradual destruction of the economy and employment in countries under attack by psychopathic gangs.

During the seizure of power, using democracy, psychopaths use so-called minorities to get the votes of part of the 97% normal people in elections, claiming to fight for the least favored, but in fact, only use them as propaganda to seize power. Pure manipulation.

At this point it is important to remember that Chavez also used the discourse of defending and improving the lives of the people and had popular support in the early years of his  psychopathic performance in politics. Certainly, millions of people voted for him believing in his manipulative discourse. Today Venezuelans know what manipulation by a political psychopath is. Many Venezuelan teachers or journalists who once supported those psychopaths, certainly regret today not having seen the reality behind the psychopath’s goodness discourse.

They certainly regret, at some point, having helped the leftist psychopaths take power. Many, teachers and journalists who helped the socialists seize power, have now left the country, along with the near 2 millions of Venezuelan, immigrants living in neighboring countries.

Something similar can be said today of the countries of the old Iron Curtain, such as Poland, Hungary and Ukraine, where the populations have vivid memories of the years of communist dictatorship. The populations of these countries today are frankly anti-communists, anti-socialists, and do not allow themselves to be deceived by the psychopathic speech associated with those doctrines.

What about the China and its role in the so-called Chinese Flu pandemic? What about the riots in United States?

The most fundamental aspect of this global situation is the fact that thanks to the technological world we live in, the coordinated performance of psychopath in politics has also become global. The new management techniques, the knowledge about psychology of the masses, the possibilities of fast transportation, which started with the old clippers that crossed the Atlantic in one week, passing by the jets that do it in a few hours, reaching the video conference, which allows psychopaths to organize themselves in real time, has brutally altered the performance of a group that was already more aggressive, naturally than the rest of society, and that acts in a manipulative way, in a learned way. Basically, on one side we have psychopaths struggling to enslave the population, on the other we have the population living their lives, being born, growing, forming their families and simply working and living life. The problem is that 97% of the population organizes at the family level, at the most professional, while the psychopaths in the politics organize thyself  at the national level and now, worldwide.

For psychopaths, to “live life” means  to free their natural aggressiveness from the rules created by the 97% normal people, and eventually enslaving that 97%.  An important point in all this is the process per si. To experience the process of struggle for domination is pleasurable for the psychopath so, the very process of political manipulation and struggle for the enslavement of the people, becomes that free experience of the aggressiveness that the psychopath so much seeks. To the psychopathic and globalist gangs, the experience of the process of enslavement of the population is as important as the achievement of the goal itself. It's like a hunt. You doubt it? Look  the results in Venezuela. That people was hunted and dominated.  And many, killed by bullets, hunger or diseases.

Thus, if parties and communists organizations have been acting all over the world since the 19th century,  with the advent of modern society, the socialists  organizations has become global. These international socialist organizations hold periodic, worldwide, regional meetings in each country, coordinate  actions, create political parties in each country, collect other psychopathic people to act locally, offer know-how to act politically, manipulatively in dozens of countries around the world.

Complementing a work of infiltration into western universities and schools that began with the Frankfurt School in the 1930s, the psychopathic collectivity has trained millions of teachers, journalists, most of whom belonged to the 97% not psychopaths and, to a large extent, to the estimated 234 million psychopaths in the world. Here is an important point, the bigger part of the people who call themselves supportive to socialism, mainly the voters, are not psychopaths, but they have been manipulated and indoctrinated, either through books or  "socialist psychopaths friends", by the media and leftists films and news or through universities, transformed into manipulation factories.

Psychopathic manipulation takes place through the use of the good nature of the manipulated individuals. The communist psychopath presents himself as a "defender", someone good and equipped with the greatest and best good intentions, in order to "kidnap" the sympathy of the manipulated ones, and his desire to do good to other peoples and for everyone. By presenting himself as the "defender" of good, the  manipulative psychopath presents to the manipulated individual, the "evil", in the form of the individuals of the opposing political group.

The manipulation essentially "hijacks" the actions and beliefs of individuals of good character, making the manipulated individual believe that socialism is good and capitalism or conservatism is evil.

At this point, the process of manipulation also uses a human brain characteristic, learning through repetition, a kind of "brain imprinting," in which information repeatedly presented may end up being printed on the brain connections as if it were true, and eventually may end up being perceived and "becoming true" to the individual who goes through this process of indoctrination. Basically, it is the same process that allows humans to learn to associate sounds, written or spoken, to meanings in childhood. But instead of recording a word in a person's brain, the repetition is done through political ideas and can make individuals "blind" to reality and immune to arguments that show the contradictions and lies of the psychopathic group.

Psychopaths use this characteristic of brain imprinting to "print" their message in the minds of individuals, notably the youngest, during the school and college stage, or through the mass mainstream media. The repetition of socialist lies, in the various media, ends up creating a legion of millions of believers, of citizens no longer thinkers by themselves, but simple repeaters of information printed in their synaptic connections through intense repetition and exposure to lying information.

This inability to identify the reality and evil actions of the manipulator, it presents itself as a kind of   hysteria, in which the manipulated individual no longer recognizes reality as it is, but only reality as it is presented by the manipulator, who, presenting himself as a "defender" of the good, has already kidnapped the good nature and favors of the manipulated people. Again, the Venezuelan people are witness and proof of this.

 Of course, with the advance of communist politics in a country, and watching the destruction of the economy and living conditions (and freedoms) the manipulated individual eventually wakes up from a condition of hysteria, but by then, it is already too late. The psychopathic  group has already taken over the state, changed the laws, eliminated liberties, arrested opponents, seized the police, and the judiciary, putting other individuals of the psychopathic pack in decision-making positions. The manipulated individuals wakes up and realizes that the people, himself and his family have become poorer, less free and are now slaves of a rich and aggressive caste, the psychopaths in power.

A socialist or a leftist voter or supporter is one of two things, either a psychopath  (one among the 234 million over the world) or he is a normal person, being manipulated by the psychopath discourse and cannot see that he is being manipulated. Which one do you think committed acts of violence in the US riots in 2020?
In the videos of that riots we can see two types of individuals, on rioter watching, and others acting and destroying. One is the manipulated one, the other is the psychopath (the lower level ones)

It's interesting to note that the individual manipulated by psychopaths often can't see a flagrant characteristic in the conduct of the psychopath communists: Usually the communists accuse their opponents of crimes that the communist actually committed and curse their opponents of things that the communists are. An example: fascists. Antifa is the most fascist organization in history.

There are two more important factors to highlight in this current crisis. The performance of globalists, some, billionaires, industrialists and even capitalists, who find themselves at will joining forces with communist psychopaths because, in the end, their goal is the same, enslave the remaining 97% not psychopath and experience leisurely this struggle in which all their aggressiveness is freely exercised. It is important to say that probably the vast majority of the billionaires,  capitalists are not psychopaths, but they are engulfed in the need to adapt to the environment created by the billionaires psychopaths. After all, a businessman or company that does not suit the his speech with the globalist speech will be attacked by the psychopathic pack and  may have many losses, suffer restrictions from governments already taken or be defamed by the press.

By the way... Is that what happened to a big tech company a few years ago? They suffered an accusative report, from the globalist press, quickly lost advertisers of global weight and had to adapt to the standards and orders of the psychopaths, starting a process of censorship of conservative ideas. Today that large technology company, like others, is engaged in censorship against the voices that seek to alert the other 97%. That's how psychopaths act. In a way, that company had no choice, either joined the globalist pack or would be attacked by them. By the way, there are probably leftists programmers and computer technicians in Venezuela who also regretted supporting the socialist government of Chavez.  Many of them have possibly already left the country.  Not only leftists journalists and teachers regret when psychopaths take power.

At this point, it is important to note the role that the press has in the strategy of the psychopaths  and globalist movement. The current press, mostly leftists, is no longer in the business of informing the population, but rather in the business of manipulating the population.  But not only that, the press is also used as a weapon of attack and accusations against any individual or organization that does not fit the orders of the psychopath community or that becomes a danger or obstacle to globalist plans. Any company or even person who does not join these orders may suffer reports that are accusative or even slanderous from the journalistic media, which are protected by "freedom of the press".  This partly explains the censorship that big techs have promoted on the global conservative movement, especially after the election of Trump  in the US,  who is , actually, fought against the "global psychopathic community."  What Trump  and other world leaders have done is fight that psychopathic elite, even without knowing that they fight against a horde of psychopaths  acting in a cooperative mode. It should be noted that in this process of repeating lies and slanders elaborated by the press and leftists  media, the process of brain  imprinting comes back to the fore, using the repetition of news and lies to politically undermine politicians and opponents of the pack. This explains, for example, the accusations of racism and fascism that Trump receives all the time by the press. It also explains the baseless impeachment process that Trump suffered. The main goal was not to remove him, since he had a senate majority, but to give material for the leftist media to perform the process of brain imprinting in American voters, repeating, repeating, repeating... to bar the re-election of the president.
When individuals try to fight the psychopathic group, this group strikes back, using its entire structure of manipulation within the press and the media and universities (...234 million of people) to attack and slander anyone who dares to hinder the work of psychopaths for the taking of absolute and global power.   

It is important to highlight the complex of psychopaths of the Chines Communist Party that due the power that the Chinese state possesses, waged a silent war against the West. The goal of the Chinese elite? Enslave the West, just as they already enslave the 97% of the Chinese population, not psychopath. Here, it is worth another account, 97% of the Chinese population is equivalent to 1.358 billion people. The population of Europe and the Americas is 1.7 billion. Who enslaves 1.3 enslaves another 1.7.

In 2020, after suffering political and economic defeats to Trump, the Chinese state released intentionally the so-called corona-virus-19, paralyzing the world and American economy, imposing the submission of the common citizen to the power of the central state in the West (via mandatory lock-down, especially in countries or states run by leftist politicians)  and giving more fuel to the leftist media attacking Trump, again using the process of repeating lies and brain imprinting on the American electorate. The objective: to prevent Trump's re-election. By the way, even with all these scams, yes,  there was fraud in the American election in 2020, to try elect the democrat candidate. The truth is that Trump won the election and a real coup d'état took place in the United States, in order to put the communists back to the power!

At this point, it is important to highlight the war of the Chinese Dictatorship against the Christian religion in the world, war supported and hidden by the Western media. Communists need the Christian religion to be eliminated, because a Christian knows that his life and freedom belongs to God and not to the government.

The same is said about Judaism, which has in one of its foundations the fight against the slavery of its people. Just what the China and the psychopaths want to implement.   At this point it is good to remember ISIS, which was born and raised during the communist tenure in the White House and was eliminated by Trump in less than a year.

Another example of the psychopaths cooperative action is the Chinese economic rising, made on the basis of semi-slave labor of the population and the sale of products of very low price and quality to the West. For decades the China has been dumping, selling products at very low prices, destroying factories and jobs in Western countries, without Western leftists politicians moving to tax Chinese products and thus protect jobs, industries and the population of their own countries. The destruction of Western jobs and economy was desired, because one of the methods that political psychopaths use to establish the dictatorship is to weaken the economy and the people of a country, slowly weakening its population so they cannot fight against the implementation of the dictatorship.

It is difficult to know whether the psychopaths of the world, frankly acting cooperatively, are aware of their condition and the reasons why they act the way they do. It is quite possible that the succession of historical events, together with the biological determinants described above, created the circumstances we observe today, without them knowing that they are psychopaths acting in a cooperative mode. But it is very likely that many of them know, at least intuitively.
Another important factor to understand the things as they are today, is the fact that, in a way, psychopaths follow their instincts, trying to live life in the most free way possible, their aggressiveness in the most complete way, as most of the other 97% of the world, not psychopaths, aim to live their lives fully.

It is possible that, at some point during this historical process, the psychopaths, occupying the comforting positions in the leadership of communists parties or in the elegant encounters of globalists, have intimately realized that, in the last instance, they work for the slavery of the rest of society. Actually, they probably know they work to enslave the population of the rest of the world.

Whether they are aware that they are part of a specific group with functional differences from the rest of society is hard to know.

Other major dangers are emerging from the same technological capacity that favored the coordinated action between psychopaths: The A.I., Artificial Intelligence, the elimination of physical money and the robotization of transport. With all the money in digital form, and controlled by governments there will be no means of resistance in society. With a push of a button, some “subversive” element is left without means of subsistence or transport over greater distances.

Something like that, already occurs at China, today, through the social credit system. The same is true of autonomous cars. Only those who have authorization from the State will move around, the same will happen for transportation with trains and planes. Again, this is already happening in China, where people considered subversive in the social credit system are unable to buy air or train tickets.

A common point in the performance of psychopaths during the course of time is that they invariably produce disasters of enormous sizes in the societies in which they come to power.  Venezuela today,  they killed millions in China, Russia, Ukraine,  Jews in Germany, all that are proof that the search for freedom for psychopathic aggressiveness itself has no limits and ends up, invariably causing destruction for all, psychopaths or not.   Just to bring the reader closer to reality, a world globalist society will probably experience more Holomodor like events.  A scenario in which food is removed from one country to feed another is not difficult to happen.

What we are experiencing today is a process of worldwide enslavement, in which people are being deceived and slowly imprisoned in order to be enslaved by a psychopathic elite that acts on impulse and instinct, pleasurably experiencing their exaggerated aggressiveness while fighting for the obtaining of absolute power over the rest of the world population.

This is what is happening in 2020, the world being enslaved by psychopaths. Will people accept being enslaved?

Author: Freedom 2020 - Please, when sharing by email, confirm that the recipient receives the text and it has not been "filtered" by Big Techs
« Last Edit: March 24, 2021, 01:03:57 pm by Freedom2020 »

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Hello @Freedom2020 -- welcome to the Briefing Room.

It appears that this is your first post?  It is an interesting analysis and I believe those seeking power are psychopaths, social deviants and narcissists.

IMHO they've already gained they power ... we need to figure out how to overcome it and maintain our Republic.  I don't know at this point, if that is even a possibility.

I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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As this appears to be the poster's original composition, it has been moved from the Elections 2020 category - which is for sourced news articles - and into the Exclusive Content category of the forum.

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Hi Libertybele.

The answer to your question may be to sharing this text and information about A. Lobaczweski and the existence of psychopaths acting in a cooperative mode in politics. People need to know about the  findings of Lobaczweski and the link with what we see today. That explains everything and can definitely wake up the citizens.

Best Regards

*Thank you for the welcome!
« Last Edit: January 06, 2021, 11:12:56 am by Freedom2020 »

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Thanks for posting.  Welcome to TBR.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

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"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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- little or no empathy with others, that is, to the psychopath, other individuals are not really people with whom he identifies, with whom he sees himself in them, as people just like him. To  psychopaths, other individuals are almost as  a class of objects, almost as if only components of the environment around him, but not people like him.

-  psychopaths have no remorse, they do not feel guilt for the destructive actions they take in to other peoples, so, for them, killing or destroying someone's life are not actions that are accompanied by a feeling of guilt. Not that they don't know that bad actions are wrong, that they are actions that are not accepted by society. They just don't care about that.

These two traits here are not limited to psycopaths, but can be found in any liberal.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

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These two traits here are not limited to psycopaths, but can be found in any liberal.

Its no exaggeration to say they are not only traits shared by today's progressives but prerequisite traits.

Looks at the suffering they caused in their quest for the WH this past year. Perhaps the essay touched on this, I haven't tackled it yet.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 03:10:01 pm by skeeter »

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These two traits here are not limited to psycopaths, but can be found in any liberal.

As we can see, a large part of the leftist elite are psychopaths. We see this every day in Congress, in states and in MSM, it is about these people that the citizens must be warned. Another important part are individuals in a state of hysteria. We can remember many images of young people attacking conservative students on university campuses. In a very (very) subjective observation, if we pay attention to the expression of the eyes of those young leftists, and (obviously) their actions, we can speculate that they are people in a state of hysteria. They no longer act because of their own thoughts, but in response to thoughts injected into their personalities.. A desperate look, as if they were looking to infinity, seeking to satisfy a mission assigned to them (by the leftist teachers on campus) to "defend good" and "fight evil". A clear product of the brainwashing that universities and the media have imposed on much of the American and Western populations.

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These two traits here are not limited to psycopaths, but can be found in any liberal.

That's the whole point!  Leftists ARE psychopaths!
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
   -- John Stuart Mill

Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao

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For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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