Author Topic: BBC’s Latest Christmas Lecture Is Fact-Free Climate Brainwashing  (Read 197 times)

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 Written by Paul Homewood on Jan 4, 2021. Posted in Latest news

BBC’s Latest Christmas Lecture Is Fact-Free Climate Brainwashing

bbc planet earth climateIf you thought the first episode of last week’s BBC Christmas Lectures was bad, just take a look at the third and final episode, which is supposedly about our atmosphere!

Presented by Tara Shine, who describes herself as an Environmental Scientist, it begins by telling us the makeup of the Earth’s atmosphere but quickly turns into little more than a political dissertation.

Following the short introduction, she tells us how much the amount of carbon dioxide in the air has increased since pre-industrial times, and informs us that the planet has warmed by about 1C since.

And then categorically states: