Author Topic: Deny the Fake Consensus — by Dr Roger Higgs  (Read 159 times)

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Deny the Fake Consensus — by Dr Roger Higgs
« on: January 05, 2021, 01:33:57 pm »

Deny the Fake Consensus — by Dr Roger Higgs
December 19, 2020 Cap Allon   

“CO2 climate innocence in 500 words: paleoclimatological-astrophysical literature synthesis by an impartial geologist” — Dr Roger Higgs, Geoclastica Ltd, UK, 16 Dec 2020,

The below 500-word abstract is the culmination of 5 years of independent research of the entire scientific literature relevant to climate change (not just ‘climate science’, which is fatally biased by its dependence (for funding) on public belief in a ‘climate emergency’ due to ‘man-made’ warming).

I’m a professional geologist.

My hope is that other scientists, upon reading this abstract, will quickly appreciate CO2’s obvious innocence, and spread the truth to colleagues, friends and family. For the well-being of society and your children, grandchildren, etc., it falls to us to deny the fake ‘consensus’ (of CLIMATE scientists only), and stop mainstream media organisations peddling ignorance-based misinformation to the trusting public, such as the BBC’s Climate Basics: CO2 Explained.