Author Topic: Global Temp Plunges 0.26C in a Month: “the next Ice Age has just started”  (Read 176 times)

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Global Temp Plunges 0.26C in a Month: “the next Ice Age has just started”
January 4, 2021 Cap Allon   

Temperatures on planet Earth have plummeted in line with the great conjunction, the ongoing magnetic reversal/excursion, and the ever-intensifying Grand Solar Minimum — the time to prepare is now: grow your own.

Since its February 2020 high of 0.76C, the UAH Satellite-Based Temperature of the Global Lower Atmosphere has plunged by almost half a degree Celsius to just 0.27C above baseline in December 2020 (the latest data-point).

UAH +0.27C Dec, 2020 []

Looking at the Sun, the cycles, the past, and the graphs, it is reasonable to assume that there is only one way from here, and that’s down.