Author Topic: More toxins approved as food: FDA announces GMO cottonseeds will soon be “safe” for human consumpti  (Read 144 times)

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More toxins approved as food: FDA announces GMO cottonseeds will soon be “safe” for human consumption

12/06/2020 / By Cassie B.

The FDA has approved a new protein-packed source of food for human consumption that tastes like chickpeas, but that doesn’t mean you should be lining up to buy it.

The new food is genetically modified cottonseed, and proponents are claiming it could solve world hunger – a pretty typical empty promise that has been made about many GMO foods before it, yet world hunger persists.

Cotton plants and their seeds normally contain a toxic organic compound called gossypol, which can damage human red blood cells, causing anemia and death in people who consume it. It can also cause irreversible infertility in men, which has even led to it being explored as a potential male contraceptive.