Author Topic: The Twelve Days of Urban Warfare Christmas  (Read 139 times)

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The Twelve Days of Urban Warfare Christmas
« on: December 31, 2020, 10:07:21 am »

The Twelve Days of Urban Warfare Christmas

John Spencer | 12.21.20

In 2018, I created a soldier’s urban warfare Christmas list. I limited myself to items that could (mostly) fit under a tree. I have learned since then—or maybe I have just become greedy. Either way, this year I want twelve days of Christmas, with a gift each day that brings a new urban warfare capability, technology, or tool to a formation preparing for or deploying into dense urban terrain for any mission along the range of military operations. The only limitation I imposed on these days of Christmas was to only include capabilities that exist today, or could exist today, rather than future or developing technologies—like technology that enables users to see through concrete walls from a distance, which would also be a nice gift, but is not yet fully available.

As a special holiday treat, the episode of the Urban Warfare Project Podcast that will be released later this week, just as Santa is placing gifts under Christmas trees around the world, will feature a more detailed conversation describing why each of these items should be on the wish list of any military professional preparing for the future of urban warfare. So if you aren’t already subscribed, be sure to find it on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, TuneIn, or your favorite podcast app so you don’t miss it.