Author Topic: Autumn In United Kingdom, Ireland Has Not Warmed Since 1995 …Cooling Tendency  (Read 168 times)

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Autumn In United Kingdom, Ireland Has Not Warmed Since 1995 …Cooling Tendency

By P Gosselin on 27. December 2020

By Kirye
and Pierre Gosselin

Global warming activists like to remind us how so many places on the globe are warming faster than anywhere else. And if every region is warming, then we would expect the spring season to be arriving earlier and fall starting later, meaning an extended summer season.

Today we look at fall (Sept – Nov) mean temperatures at stations across United kingdom and Ireland. We use data from Japan Meteorological Agency at the stations for which there are enough data going back to 1995 or earlier. These data are untampered, unlike the NASA GISS data.

United Kingdom: 8 of 14 stations cooling, no longer warming

First we start with fall mean temperature data from 14 stations scattered across the United Kingdom: