Author Topic: New Archaeological Finds Shows Earth Is Typically Warmer than Today  (Read 153 times)

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New Archaeological Finds Shows Earth Is Typically Warmer than Today
H. Sterling Burnett -
December 1, 20200

Archaeologists have published a new paper in New Scientist that confirms what previous research has shown: numerous periods during recent history have been as warm as or warmer than the present.

The paper, “Climate change has revealed a huge haul of ancient arrows in Norway,” discusses the findings of researchers from the Universities of Cambridge, Oslo, and Bergen. The researchers discovered a “treasure trove” of arrows, arrowheads, clothing, and other artifacts, recently uncovered by a receding ice in a mountainous region of southern Norway. The oldest arrows and artifacts date from around 4100 BC. The youngest artifacts date from approximately AD 1300, at the end of the Medieval Warm Period. Because present temperatures are only now exposing some of the artifacts were deposited when no ice covered the ground, temperatures were clearly warmer during the many periods when artifacts were deposited.