Author Topic: The Ten Pathways to a Trump Victory  (Read 511 times)

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Offline jafo2010

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The Ten Pathways to a Trump Victory
« on: December 23, 2020, 10:23:18 pm »

These are ten feasible pathways to victory. They do not require magical thinking or miracle interventions.

1.    Declassify everything and expose Joe Biden as a criminal, treasonous puppet of the CCP, then arrest him for treason or offer him a pardon in exchange for Biden to concede.
2.    Invoke 14th Amendment to strip electoral votes from states engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.
3.    Appoint Sidney Powell special prosecutor, and allow her to issue subpoenas / search warrants and issue indictments against treasonous actors. Then acquire confessions.
4.    Activate the Insurrection Act and deploy the military seize ballots and voting machines, then conduct a recount under military authority.
5.    Invoke the Pence-Raiklin Maneuver: Have Pence reject electoral votes from states that certified fraudulent, illegal votes.
6.    Use the 2018 Executive Order on election interference to seize Big Tech and the legacy media, while arresting Biden and all complicit operators, charging them with treason. This would nullify the election and force a re-do.
7.    Roll out all the evidence of cyber warfare from China, declare the election an act of warfare against the United States, declare new elections to be held under military authority. (We the People Convention.)
8.    Invoke the National Emergency Broadcast System, seize control over the treasonous media, broadcast all the evidence of vote fraud and urge the American people to demand Congress vote for the Trump electors on Jan. 6th.
9.    Convince state legislatures to revoke their Biden electoral slate, and by exposing irrefutable voter fraud, have those lawmakers certify a NEW slate of Trump electors.
10.    Achieve victory with SCOTUS in the Pennsylvania case, and then invalidate fraudulent post-Nov. 3rd votes in all the swing states.

This from the site Natural News, the one a friend recommended I review to find out what is REALLY going on.  Now admittedly, there are options listed above that I did not consider.  Several here mentioned the state legislator route.  I do not see that happening in 4 or 5 states to reverse the outcome.

Online catfish1957

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Re: The Ten Pathways to a Trump Victory
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2020, 10:30:13 pm »
Nice write up in alternative reality of rainbows and unicorns. 

Paxton's "Game Over" meme slapped us in the face in a 2 day period a few weeks ago, when (1) Barr went limp d__ on us, and proclaimed there was not enough fraud to swing the election, and (2) SCOTUS refused to hear Texas electoral fraud case.

Our purpose in political life now needs to focus on being as difficult as possible on the biden presidency.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline jafo2010

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Re: The Ten Pathways to a Trump Victory
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2020, 10:39:36 pm »
Not sure I agree with that fatalistic mindset.  I say this, if Trump can pull it off, I don't care if he uses the Insurrection Act to force a serious review of the fraud, as long as something is done. 

I think out of all this is the UGLY TRUTH that the Supreme Court is no longer relevant.  They tossed any credibility they ever had.

And I have never wanted to knock someone's teeth down their throat more than Don Lemon.  How that POS can walk about and not get knocked out on a daily basis amazes me.  Fox insists on showing clips of this maggot!  I am writing this and Fox just ran a clip of him.  Uggh!
 22222frying pan

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Re: The Ten Pathways to a Trump Victory
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2020, 10:43:54 pm »
Not sure I agree with that fatalistic mindset.  I say this, if Trump can pull it off, I don't care if he uses the Insurrection Act to force a serious review of the fraud, as long as something is done. 

I think out of all this is the UGLY TRUTH that the Supreme Court is no longer relevant.  They tossed any credibility they ever had.

And I have never wanted to knock someone's teeth down their throat more than Don Lemon.  How that POS can walk about and not get knocked out on a daily basis amazes me.  Fox insists on showing clips of this maggot!  I am writing this and Fox just ran a clip of him.  Uggh!
 22222frying pan

He should have used the Insurrection Act a long time ago and I have voiced that opinion many times.

As for FOX I know longer have their website as my home page...they are worthless, I now have OAN. 

You are correct; the Supreme courts deserves a giant middle finger; they are also worthless cowards.
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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: The Ten Pathways to a Trump Victory
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2020, 10:50:18 pm »
Our purpose in political life now needs to focus on being as difficult as possible on the biden presidency.

Well, that may become our purpose @catfish1957 -- but it would be pretty meaningless since our Congressional representatives will not go along. 

If this becomes our only route, we're pretty fu**ed.

Offline jafo2010

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Re: The Ten Pathways to a Trump Victory
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2020, 10:58:31 pm »
Perhaps Trump will spawn someone rising from the woodwork that actually does believe the American people need representation in a country that has politicians that have labelled USA citizens NON ESSENTIAL.  That is how all USA citizens are being treated.

Blue collar get displaced by illegal invading aliens.

White collar get displaced by H1-b Visa recipients willing to work for 25-50% of USA citizens and no benefits.


I say the slogan should be IMPEACH BIDEN DAY ONE!!!!