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Only a Bunch of Collectivist Socialists Would Cheat to Undo These Accomplishments

Dec 22, 2020

RUSH: Let me ask you a quick question. What do you think Donald Trump’s greatest legacy will be? (interruption) What’s that? (interruption) Supreme Court? Well, here’s my list, and I think I’m gonna have to add that to it, ’cause that’s not on my list. Supreme Court, three conservative justices, right? Giving us a supposed 6-3 majority. Okay. Operation Warp Speed, i.e., the vaccine.

Oh, by the way, Pelosi back in 2018 referred to a $1,000 tax cut as “crumbs.” Remember that? She’s out there calling $600 per citizen for COVID relief significant. Significant? Six hundred bucks today is significant. A thousand dollars two years ago? That’s crumbs, as she attacked Trump. Okay. So Supreme Court, Operation Warp Speed, highlighting the need for national election reform, identifying the ChiCom problem.

Boy, that is such a big one. Do you realize Trump has been hammering the Chinese since he was opening his campaign in 2015, even before that? Trump is the guy who literally made it be news that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden had a relationship with ChiCom business interests. How about identifying the deep state problem? Exposing the fake news media.

How about creating the greatest economy in American history by way of massive reductions in regulations and tax cuts? I think one of the biggest legacies Trump’s gonna have is making us energy independent — and I tell you, I worry that this is gonna be lost. I worry that Biden is gonna reverse this. I think Biden’s gonna come up with a way to reinvigorate the Iran deal, and I think it’s gonna result in in the United States losing its energy independence.

But believe me, the United States becoming energy independent, that was not on the drawing board for globalists, the Obama crowd. No, no, no. Not, not… No. We can’t accomplish our goals if the U.S. becomes energy independent. If the United States becomes a net exporter of energy, of oil, that gums up the works like you can’t believe. You watch.

I don’t know how long it’s gonna take, but if we lose our status as energy independent, it will require purposeful strategies to bring that about. And if that happens, you’ll have… (Snort!) If that happens, if the Democrats literally, if Biden and his crew actually succeed in revoking our energy independence? Aw, folks, that would be the biggest indication of what we’re up against.

How about bringing an unheard of level of peace and cooperation in the Middle East? And how did that happen, by the way? Why, I think moving embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Every president had promised to do it; Trump actually did it. And I think finding a way to get all of these Middle Eastern Arab states to unite with Israel because of Iran.

I’ll guarantee you this. The Biden administration, or Obama 2, is gonna do everything they can to reignite the Iran deal which will get Iran nuclear weapons. They’re gonna do everything they can to unwind what Trump did with Iran, including these remarkable relationships with Middle Eastern Arab states and Israel. My point is that only an outsider could have achieved all of that.

There’s nobody that works in the Washington establishment. There’s nobody that is part of the Washington careerist establishment that would have even wanted to accomplish any of that. It would not have even been on their radar. Operation Warp Speed? Like I said earlier, they would accept the notion that you don’t get vaccines for four years, five years. “It takes a long time.” They wouldn’t even have tried.

China was not a problem. They wouldn’t do even anything to upset China. They wouldn’t even think of it. The deep state? Why, nobody was ever supposed to have heard of it. Nobody was ever supposed to have discovered it. They would not have facilitated that. They would not have created the greatest economy in history. They wouldn’t have cut regulations. They wouldn’t have cut taxes if Hillary had won.

Why, we would have a continuation of the Obama economy, which was stagnation and a belief in the theory that, “Well, there’s a new era of decline economically, and the days of kids doing better than their parents are over. The American economy is not gonna be strong enough to be able to do that anymore. We don’t deserve to be strong enough to do things like that, so you better get used to the new America constant state of decline.

“But we’re here to manage it for you.” So they would have never thought to make U.S. energy independent. They would not have thought it possible. My point is — and of course the Supreme Court. I don’t even think a standard Republican president would have stuck in with Kavanaugh. He would have broomed Kavanaugh at the first sign of trouble, for example, and they would not have tried for Amy Coney Barrett before the election.

So right there, two of these three new judges would have never happened, even if there were a traditional Republican in the White House. So my point is only an outsider could have achieved all of this. Fresh set of eyes, indefatigable spirit, relentless work ethic. This is a hell of a lot to get done in essentially 3-1/2 years.

And only a bunch of collectivist socialists would stop at nothing to cheat this incredibly successful, helpful person out of a second term because they are threatened by this very list of things where you seek to identify Trump’s greatest legacies.

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