Author Topic: Sen. Ted Cruz votes against pandemic relief package, cites taxpayer money waste  (Read 153 times)

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Offline libertybele

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Good for Ted! 

Sen. Ted Cruz votes against pandemic relief package, cites taxpayer money waste

WASHINGTON, D.C. (KTRK) -- After that massive $900 billion COVID-19 pandemic relief package was approved by Congress on Monday, Texas Senator Ted Cruz released a statement explaining why he voted against the measure.

Cruz was one of six GOP senators to cast a nay vote on the bill, which passed both houses and is headed to President Donald Trump's desk for his signature.

"Had this bill been solely focused on re-opening the economy, getting Americans back to work, and jump starting a recovery, it would have had my enthusiastic support," Cruz said in a statement overnight.

The junior senator from Texas said late Monday the bill was a waste of taxpayer money and full of pork barrel spending.

"Though the mainstream media and lobbyists will hail this legislative monstrosity as a tremendous victory, make no mistake: urgently-needed COVID-19 relief was tied to a $1.4 trillion wasteful end-of-year spending bill and countless pet projects that will escape close scrutiny because three times, congressional Democrats rejected good faith efforts to pass targeted relief," Cruz said........