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The Federalist’s Notable Books For 2020


 The Federalist’s Notable Books For 2020

Our year in reading, featuring book recommendations from Federalist writers and contributors.

By Mark Hemingway
December 22, 2020

Well, they say hindsight is 2020 — and thank God for that. Suffice to say, none of us are going to be wistfully blaring Ol’ Blue Eyes’ “It Was a Very Good Year” on New Year’s Eve. (Side note: Have you ever listened to the lyrics of that song? “It was a very good year / for blue-blooded girls of independent means.” Is Frank Sinatra being feminist or classist? I’m so confused.)

Anyway, if we’re going to go digging for some roast beef in this year’s crap sandwich, most of us had a little more time to read this year. That is good, because it’s time for The Federalist’s annual notable books column.

In it, Federalist writers, as well as those in the publication’s large and growing orbit, take stock of the books we read this year. Unlike other annual lists, this is not necessarily a list of books that came out this year, just the ones that Federalist writers happened to read in 2020 and judged worthy of recommending.



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