Author Topic: Weekly Climate And Energy News Roundup #436  (Read 181 times)

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Weekly Climate And Energy News Roundup #436
« on: December 21, 2020, 08:16:07 pm »

Climate News Roundup
Weekly Climate And Energy News Roundup #436
9 hours ago
The Week That Was: 2020-12-19 (December 19, 2020)

Quote of the Week: “What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.”― Mark Twain [H/t Ron Clutz]

Number of the Week: minus 70° C (minus 94° F)


By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

Modest Change: For several weeks, TWTW, has been discussing recent work by William van Wijngaarden and William Happer on the greenhouse effect and the extension of that work by Howard Hayden. This has been coupled by a review of the surface temperature record by Richard Lindzen and John Christy who used the BEST series of surface temperature anomalies of almost 3000 stations with at least 100 years of continuous observations to present a series of graphs. These graphs include annual temperature anomalies, seasonal temperature anomalies, and the averages (means) of these sets of data. As Lindzen and Christy state:

“In order to obscure the fact that the global means are small residues of large numbers whose precision is questionable, the common presentations plot the global mean anomalies without the scattered points and expand the scale so as to make the changes look large.