Author Topic: How Subsidized Wind and Solar Power Threatens our National Grid  (Read 147 times)

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How Subsidized Wind and Solar Power Threatens our National Grid
« on: December 21, 2020, 02:44:24 pm »
How Subsidized Wind and Solar Power Threatens our National Grid

By Donn Dears: "There is an ideology that threatens the grid. This book will examine how federal regulators, state governments, utility companies, and the operators of the grid themselves are imposing their beliefs about climate change on all Americans and placing the grid in great jeopardy. Unelected bureaucrats and self-imposed intelligentsia are making decisions that place all Americans in danger. It can be argued that the actions these people are taking are making electricity more costly and less reliable and placing Americans at risk for little or no reason. The Looming Energy Crisis will show you why we must continue to use fossil fuels and why we must protect the grid from the actions of those who are imposing their personal beliefs on the rest of us. Our objective should be low-cost reliable electricity available for everyone. Reliability is a national security issue."

By: Admin - Climate DepotDecember 16, 2020 12:49 PM


By Donn Dears

Editor’s Note: Energy engineer Donn Dears, a member of the CO2 Coalition, spent his career at General Electric Company in the power sector, leading organizations that provided engineering services for GE’s large electrical apparatus. In his new book, The Looming Energy Crisis: Are Blackouts Inevitable?, Dears explains the workings of the grid that is charged with delivering affordable, reliable energy to American homes and businesses. He shows how mandates and subsidies for expensive, unreliable wind and solar power are raising prices and even damaging equipment. Further, Dears reveals how auctions and other decisions by supposedly apolitical, federally-chartered transmission systems “rig the market” in favor of wind and solar. He also presents the latest science on warming from CO2 and methane emissions. The following excerpts are taken from the book.