
Who will win the Georgia US Senate run-off in January, 2021?

Both Republicans Perdue and Loeffler (both incumbents)
3 (60%)
Both Democrats Ossoff and Warnock
0 (0%)
One Democrat, one Republican
2 (40%)
Who gives a sh*t?
0 (0%)
Regardless who wins, I intend to leave the USA for a better life elsewhere
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: January 04, 2021, 05:23:04 am

Author Topic: US Senate Election Run-off in Georgia January 2021  (Read 838 times)

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Offline jafo2010

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US Senate Election Run-off in Georgia January 2021
« on: December 16, 2020, 05:23:04 am »
The run-off in Georgia for TWO SENATE SEATS will have huge implications for the USA's future/survival.  What do you think will be the outcome?

I live in Georgia, and frankly, from everything I hear, it is up for grabs.  It appears to me the Democrats are spending 3x perhaps 5x as much on ads for their candidates.  Ads are running nonstop all day and night.

Biden and Trump have appeared here in the state promoting their party's candidates along with other notable politicians from the whole country.

It could be said this may be the most important election in the history of the USA.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: US Senate Election Run-off in Georgia January 2021
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2020, 06:02:34 am »
]It could be said this may be the most important election in the history of the USA

Then why is the Democrat fraud machine still in place?

Offline jafo2010

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Re: US Senate Election Run-off in Georgia January 2021
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2020, 07:13:04 am »
Why is the Democommie machine still in place?  Really, you don't know?

Justice at high levels moves slower than your typical glacier.  Same with truth when an entity wants to cover up a crime.

Dominion voting machines changing votes would be one of the crimes of a century.  37 votes changes which as someone pointed out is a delta of 74 votes, and on thousands of machines is HUGE.  But anyone here really believe our judicial system is the paragon of truth and justice?  People go to law school and learn how to lie effectively, have the freedom to do so even though their ethics say otherwise, and we take these paragons of truth and make them judges and expect truth and justice in the courtroom?  Get f*&^ing real!

I have worked with many attorneys through the years, and I have yet to meet one I would trust to EVER tell the truth on anything!!!!  It is the attorneys in the USA that have destroyed our system of governance.  They destroy everything they touch.

So I have no hopes for justice.  Look what the Supreme Court has done to date on all this corruption.  They will not hear anything.  Totally worthless.  I am certain Trump feels very betrayed, but when the entire system is out to get you, that does not make you paranoid, that makes you f*&^ed!!!!!!!!!

America was once a great country.  There is no coming back from a Biden presidency.  Via EOs, he will undo everything Trump, which will send this economy and millions of Americans into the quicksand with no means of rescue.  And shutting down everything is an advanced methodology to advance the globalist agenda.  Expect shutdowns to last some time. 

The middle class will be replaced by the Dependent Class, which will be the largest class in the USA under the Biden years.  Tens of millions will be unemployed and no longer counted.  We will return to the Obama New Normal, 1% growth in a good year, no wage increases, nothing for the working class or middle class but higher taxes.

The Green New Deal will require every household to pay $10,000 more per year minimum.  And changes in healthcare, another huge number.  And the moronic climate change bullsh*t, God help us!!!

Tell me Right in Virginia, you still believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK?  Nearly 60 years after the fact and we still do not know the truth!  9/11, you think you know the truth for that day?  There are many things we will NEVER know the truth about.  NEVER!  This election may well fit in that category.

But when truth teller Traitor Joe says China is no competitor, they are no threat to the USA, you better believe just the opposite of what this bozo says for four years.  Of course, I think he will not make four years.  He will bail after 1 or 2 years opening the opportunity for Harris to cement herself in the office, and potentially be POTUS for perhaps as many as 11 years.  I could toss my cookies at the very thought!

How dead this republic is will depend on the election in Georgia in January.  If the Republicans win, the USA republic will be on life support.  If the Dems win both seats, the republic will PERMANENTLY FLATLINE!!!!!!!!  DEAD! MORTE!  FINI!  KAPUT!

This is why I put the choice of leaving the USA in the poll about the election, for I can see many who are at or near retirement picking up and following the Laissez Faire Letter's guidance for living abroad.  No small number!

The standard of living in the USA is somewhere like 15th in the world.  That number continues to tumble down with a Biden POTUS.  This is NOT the country of our youth for most of us here.  Not even close!!!