Author Topic: The Beginning of the End – R.I.P. USA  (Read 89 times)

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The Beginning of the End – R.I.P. USA
« on: December 15, 2020, 11:04:38 pm »
Ice Age Now  December 15, 2020 by Robert

In response to the post “For Those Who Don’t Get It.”

On July 4, 1776 it all began, and on December 14, 2020 this great experiment in Democracy came to an end.

“We the People” failed to carry out our civic duty and hold our elected officials accountable. Instead we were far more concerned with our iPods and other trinkets that entertain us. Sad that we didn’t realize that our LOSS of FREEDOM would be the price we pay either by choice OR under the jackboot of TYRANNY! Get ready America. Sad, sad times ahead I fear for us all.

AmeriKa has been a Banana Republic at least for the past 20 years and more likely longer. “We The People” FAILED in our civic duty to hold our elected representatives accountable and now we are paying the price. Corruption and greed are the call of the day. It’s not what you do but who you are. Us serfs get locked away. The lords and ladies up on Dung Hill get reprimanded, a slap on the hands, and told not to do it again….or at least if they do, then don’t draw media attention. What an absolute FARCE! And their attitude towards “We The People”?

Answer: LOL Let the peasants eat cake!
