Author Topic: ICE: Criminal Aliens Freed Over COVID Fears Return to Crime  (Read 269 times)

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ICE: Criminal Aliens Freed Over COVID Fears Return to Crime
« on: December 11, 2020, 03:59:55 pm »

ICE: Criminal Aliens Freed Over COVID Fears Return to Crime


Wed, Dec 9th 2020 @ 2:41 pm EST

In what some have described as “a pointed I-told-you-so,” Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently delivered a report to a federal judge who freed more than 250 illegal aliens from detention due to fears of the Chinese Coronavirus. In the report, ICE detailed that in less than two months since the judge’s order several of the aliens have already been accused of more crimes, reports the Washington Times.

The new charges range from drunken-driving and battery, all the way up to warrants for child sex-abuse on a minor under the age of 14. Others have disappeared after cutting off their ankle monitors making their recapture and subsequent deportation mostly a matter of luck.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Chief, Tony H. Pham, stated on the issue: