Author Topic: The Amazing Accomplishment of Operation Warp Speed Revealed  (Read 112 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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The Amazing Accomplishment of Operation Warp Speed Revealed
« on: December 11, 2020, 12:57:59 pm »
The Post & Email 12/10/2020


Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Tuesday afternoon the President brought together the industry giants in the White House to demonstrate the miracle that will protect us from the dreaded COVID-19 (AKA the China Virus).  President Trump and Vice President Pence developed and implemented Operation Warp Speed that harnessed the enormous capabilities of America’s private sector to work this miracle.  Yet, throughout the election run-up the press pooh-poohed the programs and former Vice President Biden and his fellow Democrats were permitted to lie again and again to claim that Trump and his team had “no plan” to cope with this scourge and that Warp Speed was just a lot of talk.

Not being a swamp creature, Trump knew the greatness of America didn’t come from its government, but from its people and private sector.  He presented the industries concerned with a challenge and reward and invested government funding to spur their abilities.  Further, he pressured the government approval agencies to fast-track the testing and approval of the anti-virus candidates to get these life-saving vaccines to our citizenry as soon as possible.  The press, of course, wrote hand-wringing articles and ran TV news spots to frighten us citizens that Warp Speed might somehow be unsafe because corners would be cut.  They even ran tales of folks who would refuse to take the anti-virus because they feared it would be unsafe because Trump was involved.

Worst of all was the constant drumbeat from Biden and his enablers that “Trump had no plan” to distribute the virus and that Warp Speed was just a slogan.  And the press agreed – no “fact-checking” of the Biden bunch.


Muhammad Ali was a famous boaster – and wonderfully talented boxer.  He said, “…It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it…”  For many, Trump’s bravado was too much.  They forgot about Muhammad Ali.

Old Frank     
