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VIDEO: List of Midwest Mayor Fang-Fanged Suspects



--- Quote ---China's honeypot spy, Christine Fang aka Fang Fang, besides milking the Eric Swalwell sap who sits on the House Intelligence Committee for information has also been reported as having Fang-Fanged two midwest mayors. We already know that one of those mayors was in Ohio which narrows down the list of Fang-Fanged suspects. In this video, I analyze the possible suspects.

Keep in mind that Fang Fang was probably not alone in China's honeypot spy operation. I am sure there were many more politicians who were Ching-Chinged or Chong-Chonged.
--- End quote ---

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Cyber Liberty:
I read she Fang Banged Kemp, the turncoat Governor of GA.


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