Author Topic: Flynn judge grants long list of briefs, signaling quick dismissal not happening after Trump pardon  (Read 561 times)

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Flynn judge grants long list of briefs, signaling quick dismissal not happening after Trump pardon
by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter |
 | December 07, 2020 10:43 PM

A federal judge appeared to give a long list of outside groups who previously weighed in on the Justice Department’s motion to drop the case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn permission to submit briefs again after President Trump issued a pardon.

The schedule indicates the judge, Emmet Sullivan, may stall on dismissing the case even after President Trump granted his former national security adviser a full pardon late last month. Appearing to ignore the Justice Department’s request for the case “immediately” to be dismissed, the judge, who has been involved in the Flynn case since December 2017, instead seemed to move forward with further debate, with the district court docket on Monday showing more than a dozen groups who had previously filed amicus briefs related to the dismissal might now be able to weigh in in the wake of the pardon.

More than a dozen such friend-of-the-court judicial orders from Sullivan were dated for Monday.

“The President granted General Flynn ‘a full and unconditional pardon’ for (1) the charge of making false statements to Federal investigators … (2) any and all possible offenses arising from the facts set forth in the Information and Statement of Offense … (3) any and all possible offenses within the investigatory authority or jurisdiction of the Special Counsel … and (4) any and all possible offenses arising out of facts and circumstances ... related to the investigation of the Special Counsel,” the Justice Department told the court at the end of November, adding that “no further proceedings are necessary or appropriate, as the Court must immediately dismiss the case with prejudice.”

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Offline PeteS in CA

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Judge dismisses Flynn case following pardon from Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Tuesday dismissed the criminal case against former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn, two weeks after a pardon from the president effectively ended the case.

The order from U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan was largely procedural in light of the pardon from President Donald Trump, which wiped away Flynn’s conviction for lying to the FBI during the Russia investigation.

Sullivan made clear in a 43-page order that he was compelled to dismiss the case because of the pardon. But he also stressed that a pardon, by itself, did not mean that Flynn was innocent. ...

What Sullivan "stressed" shows why a pardon should not have been necessary.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.