Author Topic: DoD Takes ‘Holistic’ Look at Deployments Worldwide  (Read 285 times)

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    DoD Takes ‘Holistic’ Look at Deployments Worldwide
Photo by: U.S. Air Force
Fri, 12/04/2020 - 12:20

Military leaders are taking on a “holistic review” of troops’ footprint around the world as the U.S. remains focused on “great-power competition,” according to the Pentagon’s top general.

“There’s a very strong argument to be made that we may have forces in places that they shouldn’t be, and we may have forces that are needed in places that they’re not right now,” Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Dec. 2 while speaking with the Brookings Institution.

The review comes amid troop movement out of Iraq and Afghanistan, where the U.S. military presence in each country is set to be reduced to 2,500 service members by early next year.