Author Topic: Election facts that even Rush Limbaugh needs to get up to speed on  (Read 324 times)

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For your convenience, I've collected this variety of information,
much of which has already been reported:

   Election facts that even Rush Limbaugh needs to get up to speed on

The ALTERNATIVE media, from Rush Limbaugh on down,
need to get up to speed on a few facts.

Of course we all know that the "mainstream" media are completely lying
about there being "no evidence of fraud" in the election.
That's like claiming that there's "no evidence of sunlight" at noon!

I expect that the lawsuits that are already filed will overwhelmingly prove the fraud.
The servers that the Army seized in Germany have the REAL election results,
and the exact algorithms that Dominion used to alter the results.
(Not just the algorithms, but the actual code!)

The potential problem I see in this is that
some judges might be corrupt enough
to dismiss these completely proven cases, anyway!
We need to use all our media outlets to say as loudly as possible -
dismissing any of these cases is itself a criminal act by the judge!

Just like an ordinary cop knowingly letting a drug dealer keep selling,
these judges are knowingly letting a hostile foreign power steal our government!
That, of course, is China, who owns substantial shares of
Dominion Voting, Google, Facebook, and Twitter!
China also provides the cheap (slave) labor
that fattens the wallets of the advertisers who pay the TV networks.

It will be GREAT, proving that the Democrats, and the "mainstream" media,
and big tech, and the intelligence agencies,
are all fully active participants in the worst criminal fraud of all history!

There are a couple of other election laws that also need to be publicized.

One is the fact that
any election that is not decided by midnight on election day is automatically void.
That was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1997. 
The decision was 9-0!
The decision is --> Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997)
It is detailed in this article, written by a licensed attorney:

We don't even NEED to prove that the ballots are fraudulent!
(Of which there are literal mountains of proof!)

Another is the fact that
the Constitution gives each state legislature
the power to choose electors for the electoral college.

They don't need a reason to claim this power,
but the fact that their state's election is so obviously fouled up
would be an abundantly good reason for
the state legislature to directly appoint the state's electors.

The U.S. Congress has upheld this right.
This article, written by a licensed attorney, gives details:

We need to publicize as much as possible
the people's rights that are asserted by the above articles.
We need to publicize as much as possible
what COMPLETE LIARS the "mainstream" media are,
imposing the global corporations' dictatorship
by stealing the election for the globalists' puppets,
the "Democratic" Party!

We should say,
"How much would you trust the result of a football game
where one team threw the referees out of the stadium?"
That's exactly what happened in PA and MI !
They threw the monitors out of the counting centers!

The first article (Foster v. Love)
also contains a discussion of the fact that
a plaintiff must ASK the court to enforce the law.
A court may never do what no one has asked it to,
even if the law requires the thing to be done!

Other relevant information:

This article traces out the chain of ownership between China
and the voting machine companies.

The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the CCP

This article connects the link between the voting machine companies and the CIA !
A heroic unit of the U.S. Army raided the CIA's facility in Germany
and seized Dominion Voting's servers, which contain the REAL election results,
and the details of how the results were manipulated into
the lie that the TV networks are ramming down our throats.,421411.0.html

--- THE KRACKEN: Retired General says the 'Kraken' is a Military Group that siezed Dominion Dervers in Germany.
--- National File ^ | 11/30/2020 | Andrew White

In a groundbreaking interview with WVW-TV, retired Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney
described a raid in which U.S. Special Operations Forces successfully seized
Dominion Voting System servers held in a CIA “server farm” facility in Frankfurt, Germany.

The former General also suggested that the term “Kraken,” widely used by Attorney Sidney Powell,
is referring to the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, which is located on Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
McInerney clarified that Powell had been using data provided by the 305th, and others,
as fuel for legal battles, including her Georgia lawsuit,
which alleges that the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians used Dominion to interfere in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

“Sidney and the President through, I believe, General Flynn,
have got the ‘Kraken’ organization, the 305 Military Intelligence Battalion, working with them,” said McInerney.
“Because in all of this, we have not seen any footprints of the DOJ, of the FBI, nor the CIA on the friendly side.
It’s been on the ‘Deep State’ side.”

“Special Operations Forces seized those, that facility, so they have those servers” said McInerney.
McInerney added that the raid did not go “without incident”
and stated that U.S. soldiers faced casualties during the operation:


And on the same subject:,421308.msg2336275.html#msg2336275

--- Re: REPORT: Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server
--- « Reply #4 on: Today at 05:46:01 PM »

Ok, here's video of LtGen McInerney making the statement:

McInerney stated his sources have told him
U.S. Army Special Forces, possibly the famed Delta Force,
raided the CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany.
5 soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight, as well as one CIA paramilitary.
The CIA personnel were allegedly flown in from Afghanistan for security, according to reports.

Out take video here...


Full interview here.

Here are the cases Sidney Powell has filed in Georgia and Michigan:

Here are A THOUSAND WITNESS STATEMENTS to the election fraud
of which the TV networks claim there is "no evidence:"

Another great source is:

Check out each of their pages, like:
- - Resources, Sources & Methodologies
- Recommended Resources   - -
Here Is the Evidence -
Stop the Steal - - - -

Also check out:

   What YOU can DO about all this:

1. Pass this message along to everyone you can!

2. Call the Supreme Court at 202 479 3011 -
choose option (5) for clerks office.
Leave a message that you wish for
the Supreme Court to take the presidential election case

on grounds of equal protection.
Please pass this to all the Trump supporters you know
and ask them to call.

Every fraudulent vote cancels out a legitimate vote.
Each of us has the right for our vote to count,
and not be cancelled out.

The Court does not want to be seen as the decider of an election.
We need to let the Court know that, if they DON'T take the case,
EVERYONE would see the Court as knowingly letting a fraudulent election stand!

This is a very hard battle!
It's taking exceptional measures to make this election count.
If we lose this battle, the criminals will make sure that
such measures can never happen again!
If we lose this battle, the criminals will make sure that
NO legitimate election can ever happen!
If we lose this battle, we lose civilization - forever!

If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
   -- John Stuart Mill

Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao