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Climate at a Glance: Urban Heat Islands



Climate at a Glance: Urban Heat Islands
An illustration of the Urban Heat Island effect. Image: NOAA/NWS.

    Urban heat islands, which grow along with the size of cities, create artificial warming at many long-term temperature stations.

    On average, urban heat islands increase the global surface temperature trend by almost 50 percent.

    Almost 90 percent of U.S. temperature stations have been compromised by urbanization effects.

    Almost half of the reported U.S. warming disappears when reporting only uncorrupted stations.

Short Summary: The majority of U.S. temperature stations utilized for NOAA and NASA temperature records have been compromised by encroachment of artificial surfaces like concrete, asphalt, buildings, and air conditioner exhausts. This creates a substantial false warming trend that is responsible for almost half of reported U.S. warming. When only pristine temperature stations are used, warming trends are quite minimal. Figures 1 and 2, below, illustrates this.

Cyber Liberty:
I wonder what it would be like, if somebody had noticed this phenomenon a century ago?  Would global warming have been solved a long time ago?

Oh, wait.....


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