Author Topic: DC Mayor Sued Over Arrest of Advocates Who Wrote Pro-Life Messages on Sidewalk  (Read 178 times)

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DC Mayor Sued Over Arrest of Advocates Who Wrote Pro-Life Messages on Sidewalk

Mary Margaret Olohan   November 19, 2020 / 14 Comments

Pro-life groups are suing D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser over the arrests of advocates who wrote “Black Preborn Lives Matter” in chalk on the sidewalk.

The Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit this week on behalf of the Frederick Douglass Foundation and Students for Life accusing Bowser and the District of Columbia following the August arrests of two Students for Life members.

“The Plaintiffs were prohibited from communicating their message, even though other messages are now permanently emblazoned along the streets of the District in a nearly identical format,” the lawsuit said. “The only difference between the Plaintiffs’ desired mural and the other permitted—and permanent—murals is the content of the message.”


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If they had PAINTED anti-America messages in the middle of the street, it would have been perfectly permissible. *****rollingeyes*****