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Nevada: Legal Updates

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Donald J. Trump

“Nevada Court Hears Of USPS Witness Obstruction, Flawed Machine Inspections, And Deceased Voters”

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4:57 PM · Dec 3, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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Voting Machine USB Drives Had Totals Altered Overnight, Witness in Nevada Election Contest Alleges
Epoch Times, Dec 3 2020

A witness brought forward by the Trump campaign in its election contest in Nevada alleged that the memory disks used to store vote totals from election machines during the early vote period had the vote tallies inexplicably changed overnight, according to a presentation at an evidentiary hearing in Carson City on Dec. 3.

According to Jesse Binnall, who presented the evidence on behalf of the Trump campaign, the witness, whose name is shielded by a protective order, said that the vote tallies were collected from the machine at the end of every voting day and stored on Universal Serial Bus (USB) drives overnight.

“What they would do is they would log these disks in and out. Good practice. And the disks had a serial number on them. And numerous times that disk would be logged out with one vote total on it and logged back in the next morning during the early vote period with a different number on it. Sometimes more, sometimes less,” Binnall said.

“What that means is that literally in the dead of night, votes were appearing, and books are disappearing on these machines.”

Binnall said that the USB drives were not encrypted and the voting machines were not password protected. “And they were hooked up with laptops, then where the laptops themselves could have been compromised,” he added.

The allegation about the vote total alterations was one of several Binnall presented during an evidentiary hearing, the first of its kind for the Trump legal team’s six-state post-election effort.


Nevada Judge Tosses Trump Campaign’s Challenge to Vote Results

Joel B. Pollak4 Dec 20201,032

A state judge in Carson City, Nevada, ruled Friday against an effort by President Donald Trump’s campaign to overturn the results of the election in the Silver State based on irregularities — but said earlier in the week he expected the losing side in the case to appeal to the Supreme Court of Nevada.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported:

--- Quote ---    A District Court judge in Carson City on Friday ruled against an attempt by President Donald Trump’s campaign to overturn Nevada’s presidential election results, saying there was insufficient evidence to support fraud accusations.

    Judge James Russell issued his order after hearing several hours of argument from attorneys representing both Trump and President-elect Joe Biden’s campaigns on Thursday.

    Trump’s campaign echoed the president’s own calls of voter fraud and alleged that Clark County election staff failed to address 40,000 cases of double voting and thousands more illegal votes from the deceased or voters who do not live in Nevada.

    Democrats argued the challenge did not identify a single voter who allegedly committed fraud, nor did it provide any other evidence to warrant overturning the will of the majority of Nevada’s 1.4 million voters.
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Cyber Liberty:

I said a few times this is why the Judge set such a late court date:  He doesn't want to be overturned in time.

Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Mindy Robinson

Votes were changed overnight using USBs in Nevada, of course the fake news media doesn’t want to report on it because it proves voter fraud. We’ve got to audit this election now. Or none of our elections will ever count again. @realDonaldTrump

#AuditTheVote #DominionCheats

9:53 PM · Dec 19, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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