General Category > Elections 2020

Nevada: Legal Updates

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Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: Right_in_Virginia on November 25, 2020, 12:16:20 am ---Josh Gerstein

JUST IN: Carson City, NV judge hearing election challenge filed by Trump electors has set a hearing for 12/3 at 130PM local. Will allow 15 depositions for each side between now and then. Atty is @SidneyPowell1's co-counsel in Flynn case, @jbinnall

.5:44 PM · Nov 24, 2020·TweetDeck

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12/3??? What is this bullshit?  Can you drag your feet any slower, Nevada?


Nevada judge agrees to hear Trump campaign evidence of alleged voter fraud

The evidentiary hearing is set for December 3

Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on November 25, 2020, 06:21:54 pm ---Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result

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From the article:

But its biggest claim was that the signatures on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were not verified by human officials, as required by law.
What’s more, they found that officials used a machine to verify signatures, apparently against the rules, and even those machines were plagued with problems.
Schlapp said he is eager to get a chance to finally show its evidence of fraud and for the campaign to present the thousands of examples of signature machine errors. Since many states require signature verification, that is where the campaign’s fraud investigation is focused.
Here again lies the Constitutional issue.  The Constitution specifically states that the legislature of a State determines election rules.  But in Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, the rules set forth by their respective legislatures were ignored.  A Constitutional win in Nevada could cascade into the other races. 

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: Hoodat on November 25, 2020, 07:19:15 pm ---From the article:

But its biggest claim was that the signatures on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were not verified by human officials, as required by law.
What’s more, they found that officials used a machine to verify signatures, apparently against the rules, and even those machines were plagued with problems.
Schlapp said he is eager to get a chance to finally show its evidence of fraud and for the campaign to present the thousands of examples of signature machine errors. Since many states require signature verification, that is where the campaign’s fraud investigation is focused.
Here again lies the Constitutional issue.  The Constitution specifically states that the legislature of a State determines election rules.  But in Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, the rules set forth by their respective legislatures were ignored.  A Constitutional win in Nevada could cascade into the other races.

--- End quote ---

It's a pity the Judge is not serious about the election.  12/3 is a rotten date for a hearing, considering the Safe Harbor provision requiring State Certifications of the Election is 12/8.  The judge kicked the can down the road far enough to make sure the water is still muddy by then.

In case it's escaped notice, I'm pizzed as Hell about this.


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