General Category > Elections 2020

Georgia: Legal Updates

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Here are the names of the Senators behind the bill:

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Brandon Beach is #9 on that list.  He was punished severely by the corrupt Georgia GOP for challenging the results shortly after the election.

Free Vulcan:

--- Quote from: Hoodat on January 15, 2024, 12:29:07 am ---Georgia Senators Introduce Bill to REMOVE SecState Raffensperger from Election Board

Kaley  |  Jan 13, 2024

Georgia State Senators are taking a huge step forward to uncover the truth of what really happened during the fraudulent 2020 election and prevent it from happening again this November…

A bill was just introduced to:

1. Remove Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger from the State Election Board, and

2. Give the board authority to INVESTIGATE Raffensperger for covering up 2020 election fraud.

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That's interesting. Possibility of it passing?


--- Quote from: Hoodat on January 15, 2024, 12:29:07 am ---Georgia Senators Introduce Bill to REMOVE SecState Raffensperger from Election Board

Kaley  |  Jan 13, 2024

Georgia State Senators are taking a huge step forward to uncover the truth of what really happened during the fraudulent 2020 election and prevent it from happening again this November…

A bill was just introduced to:

1. Remove Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger from the State Election Board, and

2. Give the board authority to INVESTIGATE Raffensperger for covering up 2020 election fraud.

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 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Free Vulcan on January 15, 2024, 12:52:12 am ---That's interesting. Possibility of it passing?

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I would say the odds are against them.  It's almost impossible to get anything worthwhile passed by the Georgia legislature.  It is politics at its worst.  They can only stay in session for 40 days, so there is a lot that gets left out at the end.  It also makes the House Speaker extremely powerful.

One thing working in their favor is that the former Speaker (and bigtime POS) David Ralston died last year.  He is the one who got Beach stripped of all his committee seats back in 2021 for daring to oppose the Governor and Sec. of State.  So with him gone, they may have a chance.

Either way, Raffensperger has been exposed as a serial liar.  Maybe the Governor is ready to distance himself from him. 

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: Hoodat on January 15, 2024, 02:14:43 am ---I would say the odds are against them.  It's almost impossible to get anything worthwhile passed by the Georgia legislature.  It is politics at its worst.  They can only stay in session for 40 days, so there is a lot that gets left out at the end.  It also makes the House Speaker extremely powerful.

One thing working in their favor is that the former Speaker (and bigtime POS) David Ralston died last year.  He is the one who got Beach stripped of all his committee seats back in 2021 for daring to oppose the Governor and Sec. of State.  So with him gone, they may have a chance.

Either way, Raffensperger has been exposed as a serial liar.  Maybe the Governor is ready to distance himself from him.

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Kemp's a major liar as well, so there's that.


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