General Category > Elections 2020

Michigan: Legal Updates

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Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: Hoodat on July 12, 2021, 11:34:54 pm ---How do they know the claims are baseless?  Isn't the whole point of the lawsuit to provide that basis?

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It's The Hill.  Inserting the word "baseless" into every story about the chicanery (they call the election of 2020) is built into their word processors, like spell check.  Every.  Damned.  Time.


--- Quote from: Hoodat on July 12, 2021, 11:34:54 pm ---How do they know the claims are baseless? 

--- End quote ---


A better question might be "If the claims are baseless,why are the Dims so worried about them?


Another Whistleblower Steps Forward
Matthew Holloway -
August 14, 2021

The new whistleblower will make the fourth since May 2021 to come forward in a Michigan State Senate Oversight Committee hearing which the mainstream media and the leftists desperately tried to ignore.

The three whistleblowers who testified described everything from “Not one of the military ballots was a registered voter, and the ballots looked like they were all exactly the same Xerox copies of the ballot. They were all for Biden across the board.” to  “countless workers rescanning the batches without discarding them first”, even poll workers deciding unilaterally to give overvotes to the Democrats.

The Gateway Pundit reported,


Court Fight in Michigan Over Dead People on Voter Lists Heats Up

Steven Kovac  |  December 19, 2021  |  Updated: December 20, 2021

How many dead people should remain on Michigan voter rolls? The answer may be determined by a federal judge.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) on Nov. 3 sued Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, for allegedly failing to remove from the state’s voter rolls the names of 26,000 registered voters who have either died or moved away.

According to PILF President J. Christian Adams, the failure to remove the names “creates an opportunity for fraud.”

The lawsuit also alleges that 334 people registered to vote after they died, with 15 of those registrations occurring in 2020.  .  .  .

Dead people on the voter rolls in Michigan, and Democrats are actively fighting against having those dead voters purged.


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