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Get all you can from school
« on: November 18, 2020, 08:50:14 pm »
American schools leave a lot to be desired,
but many, if not most school systems do make available
some courses that would provide valuable knowledge,
if students would take them.
Many students skip these opportunities because
no one tells them the value of these opportunities
until adulthood, if ever.

Every youngster NEEDS to know the info that's in this article
before entering 9th grade, at the latest.
Sixth grade would be better.

I really wonder why schools don't provide this info to every student.
Do the counselors tell this info only to the children of well-connected parents?
Do the school counselors even know this info themselves?
Or do the schools expect the parents to tell their children these things?
Maybe they figure that the students who are not told these things by their parents
would just slow down the class for the students
whose parents know more about the value of education.

Here's WHY you should want to get all the knowledge you can:
1. Get knowledge and skills that enable you to earn a good living.
2. Get knowledge to enable you to be a good citizen
    and guide society in a positive direction.
    (and not be manipulated by the crooked politicians!)
3. Get knowledge to satisfy your own natural curiosity
    (that schools are designed to beat out of you.)

There are certainly not enough hours in your school years
to pursue ALL of these options,
but get as much as you can, while you can.
This article was written to let you WHY you should study each of these subjects,
and how that will benefit you throughout your whole life.

Some courses you should take, if available:


Take all the math you can get.
One thing educators often said a century ago, but rarely say today is,
math, being pure logic, conditions the brain to think in a disciplined manner,
which improves your performance in ALL areas of study.
Today's "education" establishment does NOT want anyone
to be able to think in a disciplined manner!
They designed the modern school system to train students to react emotionally,
which makes people far easier for politicians to manipulate.

Politicians have caused the schools to use bad methods of teaching math in grades 1-8.
This might have already trained you to hate math.
Starting in the early grades,
ask your parents or grandparents to show you how math was taught to them.
It probably makes a lot more sense than the methods schools are using today.


If you're attending public school,
you're probably going to have to learn science on your own.
If you wait for the school to teach you, it will never happen.

Most teachers go into teaching because it's a way they can get
a college degree and a fairly well-paying job
without having to take any serious math or science courses in college.
Grades 1-8 are populated almost entirely by teachers
who dislike math and science
so they just don't have much to offer. 
They CAN'T teach the subject because they don't know it themselves!

Furthermore, school administrators (at your school, and in your city,
plus state administrators, and the federal Department of Education,
plus the "experts" in the education departments at universities
and foundations, all together known as "educrats")
are all political tools.  They are tools of the politicians.
They are NOT there to serve students or parents!
They are there to serve the politicians!
They do NOT want students to be well educated!
They want students to be dumbed down
to be easily manipulated by politicians!

Go to the library and look for books in the science section.
Read magazines like Popular Science and Popular Mechanics.
They don't get very deep into serious science,
but they're good at showing how tremendously useful science is.

There are many fields in science.  Some are:

    Biology - medicine will always be a growing field.

    Mechanics - considered by many to be a "mature" field,
meaning that most of what can be discovered has already been discovered.
Still, there will always be a need for people who can design structures.

    Electronics - we live in an electronic world.  'Nuff said.

    Computer science - subset of electronics. 
It should be noted that, in the next five years,
American companies will need 1,400,000 people who can write code,
while the schools will produce only 400,000.

    Environmental science - much of what is being taught in this field
is not actual science, but just political dogma designed to
deceive people who don't know any science
into doing what's best for the politicians.

Remember: your school CAN require you to know the theories they're teaching,
but they can NOT force you to believe them!
When you take their tests, go ahead and tell them what they want to hear.
But do your own investigating into what's REALLY true!

Most schools teach something that can easily be proven NOT true:
"Man-caused climate change is settled science."
That is BLATANTLY false!  There are MANY credentialed scientists
who dispute that political dogma.

Here are a few search terms you can use to find studies by
ACTUAL scientists who are skeptical of "man-caused global warming" :
- Global Warming Petition Project
- 650 scientists global warming
- 35 Inconvenient Truths
- Antarctic ice sheet is GROWING


Economics should be REQUIRED for EVERY student in high school.
But sadly, most TEACHERS graduate from COLLEGE
without ever having studied ANY economics!
THAT'S how horrifically bad the education system is!

The laws of economics ARE laws of nature! 
Learn to work with them, or they will work against you!
YOU can take control of your situation! 
Don't let the politicians keep you poor by keeping you dependent on them! 

       History - especially American history: 

History might actually be the most interesting subject that exists,
but students give it little attention
because most schools do a really awful job of teaching it.

Politicians have been corrupting the teaching of history in recent decades
because they don't want students to know the dirty tricks
politicians have been using for over a century.

Take the best American history courses you can,
but remember that most schools these days teach a badly distorted version of it.
If possible, ask your grandparents what they were taught about
each of the things your school is teaching in history.


The world is your playing field. 
The world is the field on which you play the rest of your life.
How well would you play baseball if you don't even know the playing field?
You certainly won't play the game of life very well either
if you don't even know the field on which you're playing!

       Comparative Religion: 

Virtually NO schools in America teach this essential subject!
It is a subset of both geography and literature.
It is the root source of most of the values and cultures of everyone in the world.
Most schools teach the left wing politicians' dogma that
"everyone in the world has all the same desires and dreams that we do."
That is spectacularly, staggeringly FALSE!
Different religions teach very different values!
Traveling the world and believing that everyone will think and act the way you do
would get you killed!
Believing and voting for politicians who say that other nations think and act like us
is getting our nation destroyed!
As you study comparative religion, be sure to look at what both
proponents and critics of each religion say about it.


    Latin - Most states require two years of a foreign language in high school.
Some languages are more useful than others.  Latin might be the most useful of all.
Latin is said to be a "dead language" because nobody speaks it in everyday use.
But it is far from useless!  Latin is very helpful if you want to study
literature, history, law, or medicine.
All four of those fields WILL affect you a LOT throughout your life,
whether you study them or not.
Also, about a third of modern English is made of words that originated in Latin.

    Spanish - A good alternative to Latin would be Spanish,
mainly because so many Spanish speaking people are flooding into the USA.
Spanish descended from Latin (as well as Italian and French.)

    Chinese - There are actually two languages in China: Mandarin and Cantonese.
Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world.  (English is number two.)
China is already the world's leading manufacturer (beating the USA by 30%)
and is still rising swiftly.  Within 20 years, China will dominate the world.'s-leading-manufacturer/

    Arabic - You probably won't need Arabic,
but America needs to have some people who know it,
because Arabs control a large share of the world's fuel. 
Plus, Arabic is the main language of Islam,
the religion of over 95% of the terrorists in the world.
Every country needs to have some people who know
the language of the people who are attacking them.


Ideas expressed in literature provide a framework
for understanding issues you will face personally,
among your acquaintances, and in overall society.
Questions such as, "How much time and energy should I focus
on myself individually, versus on my acquaintances and on society?"
have been pondered for thousands of years.

Some issues are timeless.  There are certain issues everyone faces,
regardless of the time and place in which they live.
Ideas that were first written of by the Greeks over two thousand years ago
or the Hebrews over three thousand years ago
are still wrestled with in this year's TV shows.

Even if don't plan to be a scholar, even if you plan to do physical labor,
knowing something about literature can greatly enrich your life
by helping you understand the issues that EVERYONE faces.
A few excellent books are: 1984, and Animal Farm (by George Orwell)
and Brave New World (by Aldous Huxley)

    The Bible as Literature - Some schools have such a class.
Of all the books ever written, the Bible clearly is the best one
at dealing with the issues everyone faces in life.
Many common expressions in today's language came from the Bible.
It is the one book that has done far more to civilize the world than any other.
Whatever book is in second place is a very distant second.

    Mythology - It might seem ridiculous to study ancient Greek gods,
but each one represents emotions and issues that are timeless.
Literature often uses the names of these gods as a kind of shorthand
method of referring to the ideas they represent.
All of the above also applies to Nordic mythology.

    Writing - The English language is a toolbox for expressing ideas.
To get anywhere in any field, you need to be able to present yourself
and your ideas clearly and understandably.

       Arts - there are several areas of art.

    Music - I strongly recommend getting into music.
Band will expose you to several varieties of music,
not just the narrow playlist heard on radio most stations.
Plus, it really is tremendous fun!
Orchestra can also be enriching, but there are fewer activities connected with it.
Most schools provide the instrument
if you choose to learn one of the larger ones, like tuba.
The band director may be able to help you find a good deal
on a used smaller instrument.

Everyone can afford to participate in choir.  That's always free!

    Debate - This can be an escape from the schools' usual way of
presenting everything in terms of, "We're TELLING you what to believe!
Don't you dare try to think for yourself!"

    Drama - Can help you overcome shyness, if that's an issue.

    Dance - Same benefit as drama, plus it's good exercise.

    Drawing, painting, sculpture - You could try a class in
physical art to see if you find it satisfying.


You might already know typing,
since nearly everyone grows up using computers these days.
Still, it helps to be able to type efficiently.


At first glance, it would seem that
there is no shortage of interest in sports.
But that's mostly true of spectator sports. 
Broader participation would be a good thing.

In addition to physical fitness, sports can also
condition the mind to be alert and agile.

Also, it often seems that school sports programs are designed to
train students to worship celebrities, or at the very least,
train students to let their potential be limited by an arbitrary social pecking order.

Some other courses that most schools provide,
to cover any gaps your parents may have left in teaching you at home:

       Home Economics - Everyday skills that EVERYONE uses.

       Shop - Many fathers teach these skills to their sons at home.
You still might want to take shop class, in case he missed something.
Everyone needs to know how to repair the things they use every day.

Not everyone is well-suited to attend college.
Some people are better suited for vocational school.
Most school districts have vocational training available,
and many of the jobs for which they prepare you pay very well
(better than many of the jobs that require a college degree!)
Plus, you can start out in life without a huge burden of student debt!
Also, many of these jobs can never be exported!
Many of the skills taught in vocational school
can be the basis of you owning your own business.
You would never have to spend years coping with a bad boss,
like many people who work for large companies have to do.

To sum up, do NOT just choose the easiest classes available
and loaf your way through school!
If you do that, your whole life will be like living in a prison
- that you built yourself!
Expose yourself to as many experiences as possible!
Give yourself the greatest range of possibilities
to have the richest life you can!

You should be thankful that you live in a time
where you can find almost any knowledge you want
by searching the internet.
You don't have to be limited by your school!

And why does college education cost so much these days?
With the internet, the cost of education should be plummeting!
Not skyrocketing!
Don't feel like you have to burden yourself with a giant debt
to get an education!  Look for online options!
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
   -- John Stuart Mill

Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao