Author Topic: Mass Murder by Big Tech, Big Pharma, & the "Democratic" Party  (Read 344 times)

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Mass Murder by Big Tech, Big Pharma, & the "Democratic" Party
« on: November 17, 2020, 09:44:54 pm »
How The Swamp is handling COVID treatment is VERY revealing.
An actual CURE for COVID was demonstrated in France in JANUARY of 2020.
It's a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.
The two drugs together ERADICATE the virus in seven days!
   (Some nutrients that are abundantly well documented
   to also help fight disease are - Zinc, and Vitamins A, C, and D.
   They are safe at more than ten times the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance.)

But most of the public health "experts" dismissed the results,
and insisted on shutting down the economy
and imposing other draconian measures.
THAT is what caused so many deaths, AND so much other harm!

Why would these medical doctors do so much harm?
(Violating their Hippocratic oath to "first, do no harm.")
It was a giant favor to the pharmaceutical industry.
They denied to patients drugs that are safe and effective.
HCQ has been in common use for 65 years!
Azithromycin has been in common use for over 40 years!
The patents have expired.  Market forces keep the price of these drugs
down near the cost of producing them.
The drug companies can't charge exorbitant prices for them.

Their use was discouraged, to enforce the crisis,
to create the need for new EXPENSIVE treatments!
(As Obama's right hand man, Rahm Emmanuel said in 2008,
"You never want to let a good crisis go to waste.")

The public health officials caused so many thousands of deaths
for the drug companies' profit!

We need to take note of the other corporations
that are actively assisting in this mass murder.
Most notably, Twitter, Facebook, and Google.
All three of these companies CENSORED all discussion
of existing COVID treatments that are safe and effective.

All three of these companies have
NOT ONE medical doctor on their staff,
but all three of them censored ACTUAL medical doctors
on their platforms!
These companies, who have NO medical expertise,
told ACTUAL DOCTORS what they're not allowed to say about medicine!

These companies killed many thousands of people
by depriving them of the knowledge that would have saved them!

Big media also cooperated in this mass murder.
The TV networks' "news" operations
enforced the same propaganda as big tech.
They censored all reporting of treatments that actually work,
and slanted their reporting in favor of the harmful policies
enforced by Democrat governors.

The worst example is Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY),
who ordered COVID patients to be put into nursing homes.
He SENT this disease, that kills old people,
into the nursing homes, where the old people are!

This is in stark contrast to what Donald Trump did.
He sent hospital ships to NYC.
He converted the Javits Center into a hospital.
And Governor Cuomo used neither one!
Instead of sending the patients into these life-saving facilities,
he sent them into the nursing homes, to kill old people!

And now Cuomo is all over television, blaming Donald Trump
for killing all the people that CUOMO killed!
And the TV networks are fully cooperating with this lie!
They keep repeating it for him,
and rarely (if ever) mention what really happened.

The "Democratic" Party is fully unified with big media and big pharma.
("Democratic" is quotes because it is a false label.
They ALWAYS behave as the DICTATORSHIP party!)

Several times, the "Democrats" in Congress and in state governments
opposed the use of the drugs that actually work against COVID.

WHY are the TV networks and big tech
censoring all criticism of big pharma?
Look who gives money to the TV networks and big tech!
Look who buys the advertising on the TV networks and big tech!
It's the drug companies!
Take note of HOW MUCH advertising by the drug companies
you see on TV and online!

When you watch TV, who do you think is the customer?
Is it you?  No.  Do you give them money?  No, you don't.
Who is it that does give money to the TV networks?
It's the advertisers!  It's the major corporations!

If you're not the customer, what are you?
You are the PRODUCT!
It is YOU that is being bought and sold!
The TV networks BUY your attention with the programming,
and SELL you to the advertisers through their advertising!

The TV networks design their programs
to please the advertisers more than to please you.

They want to attract lots of viewers to sell to the advertisers,
but they also want to propagandize you
the way the advertisers want you programmed.

Many of the "entertainment" programs
have a lot of propaganda woven into them.
You've never noticed that?
Propaganda is most effective when it's not recognized!
They slip their false ideas into your mind
while you're not noticing.
The ideas seem like just a part of reality.

Both the "news" and the "entertainment" programming
are filled with propaganda to make it seem like
the "Democratic" Party cares about you.
This PROVES that the "Democratic" Party
is NOT the "party of the people."
It is the party that is preferred by the giant corporations!
If it wasn't, these corporations wouldn't be spending
billions of dollars to persuade you to like the "Democrats!"

The corporations, in this case, the giant drug companies,
pay the TV networks, along with Twitter, Facebook, and Google,
to present only the corporations' version of "reality,"
and to censor FACTUAL, LIFE-SAVING information,
and to censor the news to keep the "Democratic" Party in power,
which ENFORCES the corporations' policies - at gunpoint!

This is THE DEFINITION of fascism!
The unification of government and corporate power!
Big tech, big pharma, big media, and the "Democratic" Party
have all combined into one giant machine of corruption!
They have converted America into a fascist dictatorship!

Dictatorship by committee is still dictatorship!
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
   -- John Stuart Mill

Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao