A couple of very minor points.
The fact you yourself recognize it as corruption means you actually believe it is something more than 'hopped up internet blathering'.
No, it's blathering. I DO believe that the election system is corrupt. And I believe it has been corrupt all the way along. As long as I have been aware of it. But that and a bucket of water will get you wet.
People here are spouting actual numbers now... 2.7m votes switched... w/o a whit of proof.
Some dork makes a youtube vid about how easy it is to break into voting machines, and everybody gets sucked right in... Every dumass meme card is shooting around the internet like sh*t through a goose. C'mon man.
You gotta know most of it is bullsh*t. Enough that I will happily call it ALL bullsh*t till there's some actual proof. IF there's proof, then hurray! But till there's proof, it's all sour grapes and hissy fits, and likely to stay that way.
Sorry. I know that's not the nicest tone.
Demanding we show you something tangible is silly and is unnecessarily provocative; none of us are involved in gathering evidence. We're also waiting to hear something admissible on court as well, just like you.
No, what is unnecessarily provocative is nurturing gossip. Waggin tongues piss me off. The stuff that's bandied around on here like it's God's own truth is an astonishment. Proof? Fine! I want to hear proof. But how the hell I'd even hear it over the cacophony of nonsense, I dunno.
Give me something with teeth and I will happily back the play. So far, that ain't coming. And the clock is running down.