Author Topic: AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE 1 The Climate Left Attacks Nobel Laureate William D. Nordhaus  (Read 185 times)

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AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE   1 The Climate Left Attacks Nobel Laureate William D. Nordhaus
By Benjamin ZycherJuly 2020

Key Points

•William  D.  Nordhaus,  having  received  the  2018  Nobel  Prize  in  economics  largely  in  recognition of his integrated assessment model of the science and economics of climate policies, now is under attack from the environmental left, almost certainly because that model does not support the policy preferences of the climate alarmists. 

•The  alarmists’  assertions  about  prospective  climate  phenomena  are  driven  by  climate  models that have predicted the past and present poorly, under a set of assumptions that are deeply dubious. Those assertions are inconsistent with the evidence, and the alarmists’policy prescriptions have been based in part on the application of low (or zero) discount rates,  on  the  grounds  that  such  discount  rates  are  appropriate  as  a  tool  with  which  to incorporate the interests of future generations. That premise is incorrect.

•The proponents of the climate “crisis” attack on fossil fuels are driven by an imperative almost  entirely  ideological.  That  rather  than  any  reliance  on  “science”  explains  why  a dedicated scholar like Nordhaus finds himself under attack.