Author Topic: What Life Will Look Like Without Fossil Fuels And Reliable Energy  (Read 179 times)

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 Written by Ronald Stein on Nov 9, 2020. Posted in Latest news
What Life Will Look Like Without Fossil Fuels And Reliable Energy

Africa solar-powered villaMost of the world’s population is already living without the products and fuels from petroleum, while the healthier and wealthier countries are focusing efforts to reduce their emissions from the use of fossil fuels, natural gas, and coal with extensive subsidies to accelerate their countries intermittent electricity from wind and solar renewables.

Before jumping too quickly into the proverbial snake pit of the “green” religious movement, greenies should take time to answer: How we can maintain our lifestyles and economies without regressing back to what the world looked like before the 1900s?

It’s almost impossible to understand that almost half the world— over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. Today, across southern Asia, portions of Europe, and parts of Africa and Australia, there are families attempting to live on virtually nothing.