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Election 2020 Legal Updates

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Someone slipped this in between CNN's usual shit droppings .....

CNN Politics

Reality is setting in among President-elect Joe Biden's allies that the transition leading up to his inauguration may be more difficult than many inside Biden-world had assumed, two officials said, with a legal fight now a possibility

10:13 PM · Nov 9, 2020·SocialFlow

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Over a period of 67 minutes, Trump's votes actually decreased by 33k votes while Biden's continued to rise.

Nov 10: The Biden bubble stops expanding as a river of affidavits flows


--- Quote ---Today the world noticed that RealClearPolitics still hasn’t called Pennsylvania for Biden. Their “tally” for him stands at 259 Electoral College votes.  CNN has him at 279. AP has him at 290.

So is he or is he not the President Elect? He’s not (see Bannon and Gorsky). He never was — that title can only be conferred by the Electoral college or the House, not the media. Cancel the corona-free parties… send back the congratulatory messages. Biden is the unverified President Elect. He’s the estimated President Elect.

The case for voter fraud grows stronger every day

Watch the latest WhiteHouse press conference. There are now 131 affidavits in Michigan alone — including people willing to swear they were told to backdate ballots, an illegal activity.

In Pennsylvania, 682,000 ballots were counted that no Republicans were allowed to watch, which is illegal. Plus other rules were different for Democrat counties and Republican Counties. Biden’s lead is 45,000, and is one legal decision away from disappearing.

Media censorship is over-the-top

The overreach will burn. Even Fox news found the Whitehouse Press Briefing above so scandalously blasphemous they had to protect viewers and actively override Kayleigh McEnany, and hide her message:

Fox News host Neil Cavuto stopped airing White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany briefing on Monday afternoon after she accused Democrats of “welcoming illegal voting” and not being interested in counting all legal votes.

“You take these positions because you are welcoming fraud and you are welcoming illegal voting,” she said about Democrats and the media.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” said Fox News host Neil Cavuto. “Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue showing this.”

More at link.
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One nugget of gold to come out of Trump’s battle to expose the democrat party as a Third World party, willing to cheat and subvert the constitution, Trump will know with certainty who his loyal friends and allies are!

If Trump manages to beat back this democrat steal and win back HIS presidency, he will be politically INVINCIBLE next term!

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: aligncare on November 10, 2020, 02:37:44 pm ---One nugget of gold to come out of Trump’s battle to expose the democrat party as a Third World party, willing to cheat and subvert the constitution, Trump will know with certainty who his loyal friends and allies are!

If Trump manages to beat back this democrat steal and win back HIS presidency, he will be politically INVINCIBLE next term!

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He certainly will not have to temper his actions in order to get reelected.  I'm hoping President Trump will make some heads roll into prison, because he'll have some scores to settle.


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