Author Topic: Biden Prepares His Virus Response Which Looks Awfully… Familiar  (Read 224 times)

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Offline PeteS in CA

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Biden Prepares His Virus Response Which Looks Awfully… Familiar

Biden announced Sunday that former Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy and former FDA Commissioner Dr. David Kessler will serve as co-chairs of a coronavirus working group to be rolled out Monday.

The group will be tasked with taking the virus proposals that Biden released during the campaign and turning them into a blueprint the new president can enact after he is inaugurated in January.

Biden pledged during the campaign to make testing free and widely available; to hire thousands of health workers to help implement contact-tracing programs; and to instruct the Centers for Disease Control to provide clear, expert-informed guidelines, among other proposals.

So let’s see what we’ve got thus far. Biden is establishing a pandemic “working group.” That sounds an awful lot like a “task force,” doesn’t it? And Trump has had one of those since the moment it became obvious that we had a crisis on our hands. Biden is assigning doctors with experience at the CDC, FDA and inside the White House. That’s just what Trump did, though the names are different.

Status quo Joe says he will make all testing “free,” and ramp up testing kit production. Of course, when the government says it’s giving you something for free, you’re the one paying for it. The money for those test kits has to come from somewhere. Also, while President Trump’s rhetoric about testing was definitely confusing at times, he was also beating the bushes looking for groups to produce more test kits as quickly as possible, along with possible drugs to treat the ailment and, of course, trying to accelerate the race to get a viable vaccine out to the public. So not much of a change is coming there, either.

As the AP article points out, Biden is still privately talking about a national facemask mandate, but he knows he can’t push something like that through, to say nothing of enforcing it. He’s going to “work with the states” to support their efforts along those lines. Donald Trump has certainly been less aggressive about cloth facemasks, sometimes even questioning their effectiveness. (As have many doctors.) But he’s been leaving it up to the states to handle that question as their individual needs dictate. Again, I’m not seeing what Joe Biden is going to be doing differently.

One of the BIG LIES of the Biden Campaign was that Trump had done very little to fight Covid-19. The opposite is true to the point that Biden's proposals are largely minor revisions of what Trump has been doing and enabling for months, starting in January.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.