Author Topic: Joe Biden Is Not a Good Guy  (Read 192 times)

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Joe Biden Is Not a Good Guy
« on: October 30, 2020, 03:32:26 pm »
 Joe Biden Is Not a Good Guy
He IS the Democrat Party.
Melissa Mackenzie
by Melissa Mackenzie
September 30, 2020, 4:08 PM

Joe Biden is not a good guy. He is everything the media projects that Trump is — serial fabulist, stupid, ungracious, entitled, corrupt, a grifter, a no-talent with a big mouth, on-the-take kids, in bed with the Russia, Ukraine, and China. Name a topic, and what is alleged about Donald J. Trump is actually true about Joe Biden.

How enraged would it make you to have to stand across the stage from this corrupt, aging politician who personally was involved in illegally attempting to interfere with your election and then your first term in office with nonstop bogus investigations? Joe Biden is the guy who suggested the Logan Act to tie up Michael Flynn. Biden’s personal actions against Donald Trump and, more importantly, the 52 million people who voted for him, were evil and un-American. Biden has no business being in American politics, never mind on the stage as the Democratic candidate for president, but this is 2020 and life is not fair.

Chris Wallace didn’t note this obvious issue. Rather, he made clear who the villain in the diorama would be. (Hint: It wasn’t Joe Biden.)

    This above-it-all, basement-dwelling, lawn-chair-distanced, masked former vice president is a pretender, a charlatan who is most definitely not a good guy.