
Have you already voted? Or are you waiting til November 3

Voted by mail
8 (18.6%)
Voting on Election Day (in person)
17 (39.5%)
No plan on voting this year
2 (4.7%)
What? There’s an election?
1 (2.3%)
15 (34.9%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Voting closed: November 08, 2020, 11:53:41 am

Author Topic: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?  (Read 11964 times)

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Offline sneakypete

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #75 on: November 02, 2020, 06:15:38 pm »
I think there should be a higher standard in certain aspects of our lives and  there are instances where some things are too convenient.

I want every citizen to vote. People in prison should vote. It is a violation of their human right, to stop them.


Fred,if you are willing to alter that to state people who have been to prison get their right to vote restored after serving their sentences,I can go along with that.

People still serving time,no way.
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Offline LegalAmerican

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #76 on: November 02, 2020, 06:18:36 pm »

@bigheadfred   @Gefn

I TOTALLY disagree with both of you on the employer being forced to pay their employees to vote by giving them a day off with pay.

They are their EMPLOYERS,not their daddies. WHY the HELL should they be made to suffer financially in order to give all their employees a day off so they might,or might not vote? After all,there is nothing FORCING them to vote on that day,and it could be they had already voted by mail,or never had any intentions or interest in voting to start with.

Not to mention the FACT that mandatory paid day off to vote smacks of "vote buying". If you have to be paid to vote,you shouldn't be allowed to vote!

Now,if you want to make Election Day a National Holiday,I can get behind that one 100 percent.

In fact,it's surprising this wasn't done from the beginning,with an early day or two available to vote for essential employees who for whatever reason are unable to vote on the actual designated election day. They just take that day off to vote instead,and work on election day.

Elections are BIG national events. Why doesn't our state and feral government treat them that way by declaring them to be holidays?


Nancy,seems to me THIS would be a very good crusade for TBR to create and push/sponsor some way?

Maybe someone connected to TBR has a close political connection with a congresscritter,and get them to write a bill declaring election day to be a National Holiday.

Or start some sort of on-line petition?

This is a political board,so let's get political!


Offline Gefn

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #77 on: November 02, 2020, 06:46:35 pm »

I meant the holiday thing, so it would kinda be a paid work day?

I swear I’m getting dumber and dumber the longer this quarantine lockdown goes on and my interaction with real people is close to nothing.

If I stay absolutely still I can hear my gray cells dying. Either that or I’m starting to get senile.
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Offline sneakypete

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #78 on: November 02, 2020, 08:26:33 pm »

I meant the holiday thing, so it would kinda be a paid work day?



AFAIK,only goobermint workers are guaranteed paid national holidays.

I guess some union workers get them under their union contracts,but that's just a guess.

For everyone else,a national holiday is just a day off without pay.


They work for the damn government,and should understand it is their DUTY to vote!
« Last Edit: November 02, 2020, 08:29:22 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Applewood

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #79 on: November 02, 2020, 09:07:34 pm »
You seem to be confused here.... and conflating absentee ballots with "mail-in" ballots that are sent out by Democrats to anyone in a voting district.   There is massive fraud involved with the Democrats' scheme of "vote by mail" this election.... which is why they've been pushing it.   

This is NOT the same thing as voting by absentee ballot...which has been done since the Civil War days... mostly by US military.   You have to request an absentee ballot and you first have to be legally registered to vote in order to receive that ballot.

In PA the distinction is mail-in votes are for the old, sick, disabled and such.  Absentee means as you said -- those out of their voting district on election day.   PA, unlike other states, did not blanket mail ballots to everyone and I can understand the concern over those states which did.  In this state one has to apply for mail-in or absentee to the state. The exception would be the military, which I understand has a separate application process.

The lawsuits here seek to disregard all votes by mail or even those left in county drop off boxes or at satellite voting centers (we had a few where you could fill out an application, it was granted or rejected on the spot and if accepted, you could fill out your ballot and hand it in right then).  And at least one suit wants to nullify votes received 3 days after 11/3 which is absurd since no one is going to have a complete count right on 11/3.   I still don't see what the friggin' problem is with any of this. 

Offline Applewood

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #80 on: November 02, 2020, 09:22:31 pm »
Name ONE poster here that ever even hinted it was somehow wrong for the sick/injured/elderly to vote by mail?


Or anyone whose job or life circumstances have them out of the country or otherwise not able to cast a vote in person?

Well, it appears some people in my state do.  You see, unless someone opens the security envelope or is able to access the voter's application for a ballot, there is no way of knowing how or why someone voted by mail.  These a-holes in my state want to throw all of the ballots out because they think they MIGHT be fraudulent.

However,given the "honestly and self-respect" of the Dims,voting in person is ALWAYS the only ASSURED way to make sure your vote is counted correctly.

Well, I said elsewhere -- voting machines can be tampered with.  In fact, I believe it happened a couple of years ago here, but no one really looked into the matter.  There really is no 100% foolproof method of voting.  And really, I'd like to know how any of the ones filing lawsuits knows for sure that any or all of the mail-in/absentee ballots submitted in PA are fraudulent.  Kind hard to prove fraud is going to happen.  Maybe you can afterwards, but highly unlikely before.

Not being willing to take a day of vacation time away from work to vote is not a reason. It's a lame-ass excuse.

"Going to wait until tomorrow" is not even an excuse. In most cases it is a lie because whoever says that is almost guaranteed to never get around to voting,and it is not only your RIGHT as a citizen to vote,IT IS YOUR DUTY!

Unless of course you vote Dim or 3rd Party. If that is the case,ignore all of this. Get drunk,beat your wife,or even better,the neighbors wife. Get involved in a high speed chase with the police trying to get away. Those are just a couple of the ways you can make yourself useful.

When I worked, I never asked for time off.  Voting on election day here is from 7 am to 8 pm.  I could always go before or after work.  And I know for sure that is not an acceptable reason in this state to obtain a mail-in/absentee ballot.

Offline XenaLee

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #81 on: November 02, 2020, 10:20:54 pm »
In PA the distinction is mail-in votes are for the old, sick, disabled and such.  Absentee means as you said -- those out of their voting district on election day.   PA, unlike other states, did not blanket mail ballots to everyone and I can understand the concern over those states which did.  In this state one has to apply for mail-in or absentee to the state. The exception would be the military, which I understand has a separate application process.

The lawsuits here seek to disregard all votes by mail or even those left in county drop off boxes or at satellite voting centers (we had a few where you could fill out an application, it was granted or rejected on the spot and if accepted, you could fill out your ballot and hand it in right then).  And at least one suit wants to nullify votes received 3 days after 11/3 which is absurd since no one is going to have a complete count right on 11/3.   I still don't see what the friggin' problem is with any of this.

The obvious problem I see is... that it gives the left the excuse they need to delay announcing the results of the election... until they count enough to get enough of the numbers they need to win... a-la-Al-Franken style.   It ain't rocket science.
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You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline LegalAmerican

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #82 on: November 02, 2020, 10:21:08 pm »

I meant the holiday thing, so it would kinda be a paid work day?

I swear I’m getting dumber and dumber the longer this quarantine lockdown goes on and my interaction with real people is close to nothing.

If I stay absolutely still I can hear my gray cells dying. Either that or I’m starting to get senile.

Please don't say negative things about yourself.   :nono: 
Plenty of people on here, who will do that for you!    :whistle:

I like the holiday thing, for all.  VOTING DAY.  TAKES CARE OF ALL ISSUES.   

Offline Victoria33

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #83 on: November 02, 2020, 11:04:27 pm »
@Cyber Liberty

Applewood, you said, "Well, I said elsewhere -- voting machines can be tampered with.  In fact, I believe it happened a couple of years ago here, but no one really looked into the matter."

"Voting Machines Security", followed by "Paper Ballots Security"

Voting Machines
I was working in politics when the Florida 2000 mess happened.  As a result of that, hanging chad ballots were outlawed and the federal govn. passed the Help America Vote Act.  In this act, money was given to states to buy voting machines if they wanted them.  That is the time most states went to voting machines.  This federal law documented how states had to examine such machines and make choices.

The Texas Secretary of State and that office in other states, examined machines and approved a number of them counties could buy.  The Texas Election Law (as in other states, too), made laws/rules to follow to make the machines secure.

You see, elections just don't "happen".  There are laws that determine how elections are run, right down to machines and paper ballots.

The county commissioner's court examines machines and determine which type they will buy, (in this beginning of getting the first machines through the Help America Vote Act, the federal government paid for them.)

Once the machines are in the county courthouse, the machine company teaches the officials how these machines work.  They are then sealed in a room that has two locks.  One key goes to the Election Administrator and the other key goes to the Sheriff.  The room will not open without the two keys.  If the Sheriff is on the ballot, that key goes to the County Judge.  The Sheriff and County Judge are elected in different years.

Now, an election is coming up.  The county can have the Company who made the machines, prepare the software program for that election and put the program on all the machines.  If the county has a programmer, that person may install the program on the machines.  Remember, the room for all machines are locked with two locks, the room is never left open for anyone to get into that room.  THEN,

The Republican County Chairman and the Democrat County Chairman, meet with the Election Administrator and every machines is checked for accuracy.  Should any machine fail, that machine is removed to be "fixed" and returned to the others.

Early on election day, the Sheriff Deputies, put the machines in their truck/whatever, and deliver them to each polling place.  Once in the polling place, the machines are plugged in and the Judge and Alternate Judge (one a Democrat; the other a Republican), check to make sure each machine is set at 0.

These machines are COUNTERS; that is all they do.  They are not hooked to the internet.  They have a disk inside that counts the ballots.  Another check: In the "guts" of the machine there is another disk recording the count, a disk no one can take out except the Company who made it.  A technician from that company can remove it.  This is a safe duplicate to have in case something is wrong with the first disk.

At the end of the day, the Judge and Alternate Judge remove the disks and both of them stay together to take the disks to central counting, their vehicle followed by a Sheriff's Deputy until the disks are handed over to central counting.

During the last presidential election, there were two men who said they changed a voting machine.  The internet went nuts - here was proof you can change a voting machine.

Remember all the machines are locked in a room with two locks?  These two men did not say how they got a machine but you MUST have the machine or you can't change it.  So, they actually had a machine and messed with it.  Your grandchild could mess with a machine if he/she had it.  These machines are never left in a hallway or anywhere else for someone to mess with it.  Remember, room-two locks.


Paper ballots are used for mail ballots and some counties use paper ballots all the way through the election.  Some machines have a paper ballot that goes into the machine.

Let's say you are on my Early Voting Ballot Board.  We are meeting for the first time to evaluate mail ballots.  We are in a room and the door is locked.  No one can come in the room unless the person knocks and I go to the door to determine if that person can come in.  It is a county clerk delivering metal large boxes with mailing envelopes inside.  I go to the boxes, go to one and look at the number on the wire lock.  The clerk has a sheet with a wire lock number for each box.  Yes, this box has a wire lock with a number and the same wire lock number is on the sheet.  What does this tell me?  It says from the time this box was locked, it has not been opened.  This is why: You can only use a wire lock one time.  To get it off, you have to break the wire and it cannot be put back together.

At the end of the day we leave and come back the next day to continue the work.  Before leaving, the Judge must do this:  Place all ballot material in the boxes from whence they came.  Place a wire lock on every box.  Write down on a form the wire lock number of each box.  A clerk will come and place the boxes back in the secure room; the two locks are applied.

The next day, we start again, and I check each wire lock on each box to make sure it is the same lock number I wrote at the end of the previous day.

If you messed with my boxes and wire locks, as the Judge of the Board, I have the power of a District Judge and I would have you thrown in jail.  DON'T MESS WITH MY BOXES.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2020, 11:18:20 pm by Victoria33 »

Offline bigheadfred

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #84 on: November 03, 2020, 12:07:41 am »
Voted in person at the courthouse the 2nd day it was possible to do so. Took about 20 minutes.

Why did you vote in person?
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline sneakypete

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #85 on: November 03, 2020, 12:17:45 am »
Why did you vote in person?


So I could personally hand my vote over to an official,and watch it disappear into the lock box. *I* KNOW who was voted for on that ballot,and I know for an absolute fact MY vote was counted.

I get a great deal of personal satisfaction out of doing that.

I never voted while in the army and don't think military people should be able to vote because of the obvious conflict of interest. Just my personal opinion. I never tried to demand others live by it even though I thought and still think it is a moral imperative.

I understand some European Military organizations of today have a clause in their oath giving them a right to vote on going to war or not if it would involve them fighting out of their country. Which basically means they are parasites stealing taxpayer money.

Besides,it ain't like busting rocks with a hammer in the hot sun,and for the remote chance of a little excitement,there is always the possibility someone will try to intimidate me into voting Dim or not voting. I have never seen this happen in person,but I have seen it on tv and internet clips,so I know it IS possible.

Fun is where you find it.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2020, 12:25:04 am by sneakypete »
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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #86 on: November 03, 2020, 12:31:32 am »
Uh huh

So I could personally hand my vote over to an official,and watch it disappear into the lock box. *I* KNOW who was voted for on that ballot,and I know for an absolute fact MY vote was counted.

Thanks for making my point.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #87 on: November 03, 2020, 12:37:38 am »
Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2020, 10:05:22 AM »

Quote from: bigheadfred on October 30, 2020, 09:54:30 AM
I think there should be a higher standard in certain aspects of our lives and  there are instances where some things are too convenient.

I want every citizen to vote. People in prison should vote. It is a violation of their human right, to stop them.

BULL. If they were people of good moral fiber, they would NOT be in prison.  Zero common sense.  Part of their punishment is losing their 'rights'.  WHO ARE YOU?

You get all bothered by Communism here and abroad and then say something like this.

Ahfuck with me and you will know who I am.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Offline Applewood

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #88 on: November 03, 2020, 12:47:26 am »

The obvious problem I see is... that it gives the left the excuse they need to delay announcing the results of the election... until they count enough to get enough of the numbers they need to win... a-la-Al-Franken style.   It ain't rocket science.

And here we run into the problem of proving what MIGHT happen.  No one knows what the future holds.

And this doesn't explain why, if some plaintiffs have their way, none of the mail-in/absentee ballots in PA will be counted.  I sent mine the end of September and the county has it.  So my vote damm better be counted. 

Offline sneakypete

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #89 on: November 03, 2020, 12:53:27 am »
And here we run into the problem of proving what MIGHT happen.  No one knows what the future holds.


Not in Pa. They have a proven track record there. They never find all the boxes and all the votes until all the rest of the votes have been counted,and they know how many votes they need to "find" for the Dim candidate to win.

It's a tradition there. They cheat,everybody KNOWS they cheat,and yet nobody seems to be interested in sending anyone to prison.
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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #90 on: November 03, 2020, 12:56:20 am »

Once again, thank you for your valuable information.

The story here was that a machine mysteriously would not allow votes for Republican candidates, only Democrats.  A first I thought it was an internet rumor, but election officials announced there was a mechanical malfunction or something   Now I don't know nuttin' about mechanics or electronics, but it did seem suspicious that a voting machine would not accept any Republican votes. My town and much of this region  is heavily Democrat with a long history of voting "irregularities."   So the story is plausible to those who live here.

Offline XenaLee

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #91 on: November 03, 2020, 01:06:40 am »
And here we run into the problem of proving what MIGHT happen.  No one knows what the future holds.

And this doesn't explain why, if some plaintiffs have their way, none of the mail-in/absentee ballots in PA will be counted.  I sent mine the end of September and the county has it.  So my vote damm better be counted.

While it's quite true that nobody (but God) knows what will happen.... when you factor in probability, based on past observation and experience with leftist Democrat behavior re: voter fraud and criminal activity in general.... it's a pretty safe bet that the Democrats will pull out all the voter fraud/cheating stops this election.  Hell, they've even been saying what they will do to win.   And when they say by any means necessary, they ain't kidding.
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You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline berdie

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #92 on: November 03, 2020, 08:13:25 pm »
I found this interesting. I live in a red county of approx. 56,000. I looked this up...in 2016 were  36,123 registered voters of which 21,752 voted. In our weekly newspaper they reported 13,000 early votes with two days remaining for early votes this year.

Since I have always voted on election day...I just went for a drive-by at our polling place. There was no line. I will be interested to see what the paper reports this week as far as lines, etc. in the other cities in the county.This might very well be indicative of other areas.

It did make me sad. I love to vote on election day. No line and gorgeous weather!

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #93 on: November 03, 2020, 08:26:58 pm »
It did make me sad. I love to vote on election day. No line and gorgeous weather!
I voted last week because my back hurts to much to have to stand and wait for any period of time, but we're also having beautiful weather. The cold is coming, but we'll enjoy these few days while we have them.
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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #94 on: November 03, 2020, 09:08:10 pm »
I found this interesting. I live in a red county of approx. 56,000. I looked this up...in 2016 were  36,123 registered voters of which 21,752 voted. In our weekly newspaper they reported 13,000 early votes with two days remaining for early votes this year.

Since I have always voted on election day...I just went for a drive-by at our polling place. There was no line. I will be interested to see what the paper reports this week as far as lines, etc. in the other cities in the county.This might very well be indicative of other areas.

It did make me sad. I love to vote on election day. No line and gorgeous weather!

@berdie in my county (about the same size as yours) 55.6% of ALL the registered voters had already voted before today)  Likely true in your County as well.
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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #95 on: November 03, 2020, 09:36:52 pm »
I voted last week because my back hurts to much to have to stand and wait for any period of time, but we're also having beautiful weather. The cold is coming, but we'll enjoy these few days while we have them.

That's my issue as well. I can't stand too long due to back issues. I even took a "camp chair" just in case. I will miss this beautiful, perfect weather.

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #96 on: November 03, 2020, 09:41:53 pm »
@berdie in my county (about the same size as yours) 55.6% of ALL the registered voters had already voted before today)  Likely true in your County as well.

It is making me hopeful, for Texas at least. Personally, I would love a state electoral college so us smaller counties aren't stomped out.

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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #97 on: November 03, 2020, 10:00:03 pm »
I voted today.  I ran into my friend, the Pressident of the Colorado River Republicans Womens club at the polling place.  It is a church,and she had just come from the Chapel where she was praying for Trump.
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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #98 on: November 03, 2020, 10:10:57 pm »
I just voted (in Williamson Co., Texas). There was no wait when my wife and I got there, although there were a good number of people voting.  There was a line waiting to vote when we came out though, so I guess we got there just in time.
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Re: Have you voted already? Or are you waiting til November 3?
« Reply #99 on: November 03, 2020, 10:15:45 pm »
I just voted (in Williamson Co., Texas). There was no wait when my wife and I got there, although there were a good number of people voting.  There was a line waiting to vote when we came out though, so I guess we got there just in time.

Sadly you are in a county that catches the Austin stench. 
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