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Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« on: October 27, 2020, 06:06:12 pm »

Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years

Oct 27, 2020

RUSH: I want to go back to April 12th in 2016. I have a montage of Trump as a presidential candidate talking about winning, and this is interspersed with Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Chuck Grassley announcing the confirmation of three justices to the Supreme Court.

Can you believe this, folks? In four years, Donald Trump has appointed three conservative justices to the Supreme Court, and still the Never Trumpers — who claim that one of the primary reasons they did what they did was to reshape the judiciary — still can’t find it in themselves to even be civil to Trump. April 12th, 2016.

THE PRESIDENT: (April 12, 2016) You’re going to be so proud of your country if I get in. We’re going to turn it around and we’re going to start winning again.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: (April 7, 2017) The nomination of Neil M. Gorsuch is confirmed.

THE PRESIDENT: (April 12, 2016) We’re going to win so much. We’re gonna win at every level. We’re going to win with every single facet.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: (October 6, 2018) The nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh is confirmed.

THE PRESIDENT: We’re going to win so much; you may even get tired of winning.

GRASSLEY: (October 26, 2020) The nomination of Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed!

THE PRESIDENT: (April 12, 2016) And you’ll say —

CROWD: (cheering)

THE PRESIDENT: — “Please, please! It’s too much winning. We can’t take it anymore. Mr. President, it’s too much,” and I’ll say, “No it isn’t. We have to keep winning. We have to win more! We’re going to win more!”

RUSH: Three conservative justices. Do you hear that enthusiasm back 2016? That’s what it was, folks, and it has captivated everybody, and it was infectious like people had not seen in a long time in American politics. And now, four years later: Three of the most (snort) incredibly conservative, brilliant, lifetime judicial appointments to the Supreme Court made by Donald Trump.

Now, I know that there’s the accident of death is a factor here. The accident of retirement’s a factor. But still, Trump got it done. Let me tell you something. Getting Amy Coney Barrett confirmed one week before the election, the Democrats are so mad, they cannot see straight. But it happened. It happened. It is amazing — and this country will stand to benefit for decades because of what President Trump has done here.
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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2020, 06:27:01 pm »
It takes years to find out what a Justice's true alignment is.  Thomas proved to be an undeniable conservative on the bench, while Roberts proved his liberalism with his cockamamie O'Bastardcare decision making a "penalty" into a "tax," several years after Bush nominated him.  I see people torch Gorsuch and Kavanaugh after their first decisions, and I don't think that's the right way to look at them.  We are not likely to really get a handle on a Justice's true leanings until after Trump leaves office.

I'm with people who observe the Court now stands at 5-4, not the 6-3 the leftist press keeps spouting.  Roberts is now firmly on the left.
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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2020, 09:15:35 pm »
It takes years to find out what a Justice's true alignment is.  Thomas proved to be an undeniable conservative on the bench, while Roberts proved his liberalism with his cockamamie O'Bastardcare decision making a "penalty" into a "tax," several years after Bush nominated him.  I see people torch Gorsuch and Kavanaugh after their first decisions, and I don't think that's the right way to look at them.  We are not likely to really get a handle on a Justice's true leanings until after Trump leaves office.

I'm with people who observe the Court now stands at 5-4, not the 6-3 the leftist press keeps spouting.  Roberts is now firmly on the left.

There are TWO observable Conservatives on the court. Thomas and Alito. I am happy to report my hope for a third in ACB.

There is a squishy middle... Souter-esque... So it is not right to call it only in conservative and liberal terms... But there ARE two, maybe three, Conservatives on the court.

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2020, 09:26:37 pm »
There are TWO observable Conservatives on the court. Thomas and Alito. I am happy to report my hope for a third in ACB.

There is a squishy middle... Souter-esque... So it is not right to call it only in conservative and liberal terms... But there ARE two, maybe three, Conservatives on the court.

The leftists consider Kagen and Sotomayor the only "reliable" leftists on the court, now that they finally admitted Ginzy assumed room temperature.  They consider the others "squishes" because they some times come down on the conservative side.  Democrats have DINOs too.

3-2 is better than we had.
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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2020, 09:38:36 pm »
The leftists consider Kagen and Sotomayor the only "reliable" leftists on the court, now that they finally admitted Ginzy assumed room temperature.  They consider the others "squishes" because they some times come down on the conservative side.  Democrats have DINOs too.

3-2 is better than we had.

Well, yes, in the abstract. If ACB is indeed reliably out of the house of Scalia, Scalia has been replaced, and in that a Conservative ascends...

Souter is replaced by either Gorsuch or Kavanaugh... take your pick...

That leaves one or the other 'squish' to replace the rabidly left RBG.

In the sum, one less liberal, one more squish... In theory moving the court rightward a bit. But who really gained power in the entire equation, if Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are indeed of the house of Souter... Republican moderates. Think 'Gang of Eight', owning the middle in anything important.

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2020, 09:45:27 pm »
Well, yes, in the abstract. If ACB is indeed reliably out of the house of Scalia, Scalia has been replaced, and in that a Conservative ascends...

Souter is replaced by either Gorsuch or Kavanaugh... take your pick...

That leaves one or the other 'squish' to replace the rabidly left RBG.

In the sum, one less liberal, one more squish... In theory moving the court rightward a bit. But who really gained power in the entire equation, if Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are indeed of the house of Souter... Republican moderates. Think 'Gang of Eight', owning the middle in anything important.

I want a long pass, too, but I'll take the 5-yard gains on the way.   :shrug:
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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2020, 09:47:52 pm »
I say two more S.C. put in by POTUS TRUMP.  Rand Paul tells the story about talking to POTUS and commenting on how POTUS can put in about 2 S.C. JUDGES.  Then POTUS quipped.."how about five?"  lol. All it takes is a heart attack, car accident, something. FALL.     

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2020, 09:55:09 pm »
Well, yes, in the abstract. If ACB is indeed reliably out of the house of Scalia, Scalia has been replaced, and in that a Conservative ascends...

Souter is replaced by either Gorsuch or Kavanaugh... take your pick...

That leaves one or the other 'squish' to replace the rabidly left RBG.

In the sum, one less liberal, one more squish... In theory moving the court rightward a bit. But who really gained power in the entire equation, if Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are indeed of the house of Souter... Republican moderates. Think 'Gang of Eight', owning the middle in anything important.

We won't know for sure for awhile.  What we do know and should be jumping for joy is for once ALL of the Senators (except Collins) came together with this President and got a conservative (that we know of right now) placed on the bench in record time.

I see that as a major accomplishment .... Imagine if you will, if the GOP retains the Senate and the Senate ALL comes together on various important issues what could be accomplished.

It is what it is right now ---3 justices (more conservative than not so far) placed during Trump's admin.  Screw Roberts!
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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2020, 10:00:05 pm »
YES!  Screw Roberts....he screwed America over.   

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2020, 10:22:02 pm »
I want a long pass, too, but I'll take the 5-yard gains on the way.   :shrug:

More like three but yeah. I get that... Except Republican Moderates are not that much different than liberals in their agenda... Moderates gained a bit, liberals lost a bit, and Conservatives remain the same.

The play is to transfer power to the middle... Like 'Gang of Eight', when the extremes are in balance the middle controls the vote... the two extremes cancelling each other out. Except in that the middle here is not middling. It only pretends to be. That is where the real danger lies. Not the liberal tiger in the woods... but rather, the moderate snake beside the road.

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2020, 10:34:52 pm »
Clarence Thomas has made noise about retiring. And at other times he relates that he likes the job.

He should figure on staying until the summer Court session ends in 2023. Then let Mr. Trump replace him, perhaps with a nominee of his recommendation.

Stephen Breyer is 82+. He is either going to learn from observing what happened to Ginsburg, or he, too, will go out like her.

Sotomayor has health problems. Not sure how long she'll continue to work.

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2020, 10:34:57 pm »
We won't know for sure for awhile. 

This is eminently true - I do not yet believe in any of these new appointments. and look with a cynical eye.

What we do know and should be jumping for joy is for once ALL of the Senators (except Collins) came together with this President and got a conservative (that we know of right now) placed on the bench in record time.

Meh. Don't care at all about that... They've already padded the middle. They can afford to give the Conservatives a win to bolster the GOTV.

I see that as a major accomplishment .... Imagine if you will, if the GOP retains the Senate and the Senate ALL comes together on various important issues what could be accomplished.

Whee! will not happen. It is all jumping to the Moderate's tune. The obstructions are on purpose.

It is what it is right now ---3 justices (more conservative than not so far) placed during Trump's admin.  Screw Roberts!

Credit where it's due - and I DO reserve hope for ACB. But the moderate right is no different than the acid left. Both aim to take your liberty and your treasure. That is Pyrrhic victory.

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2020, 10:35:56 pm »
More like three but yeah. I get that... Except Republican Moderates are not that much different than liberals in their agenda... Moderates gained a bit, liberals lost a bit, and Conservatives remain the same.

The play is to transfer power to the middle... Like 'Gang of Eight', when the extremes are in balance the middle controls the vote... the two extremes cancelling each other out. Except in that the middle here is not middling. It only pretends to be. That is where the real danger lies. Not the liberal tiger in the woods... but rather, the moderate snake beside the road.

I could write a book about how much I detest "gangs of XX."  They are, by design, a way of screwing the voters.  Jeff Flake was a perfect example.  He signed onto the "Gang of Eight" pushing for illegal immigration before he was even sworn into office.

"Gangs" in Congress are nothing more than a way of sidestepping the voters' intent.
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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2020, 10:37:15 pm »
This is eminently true - I do not yet believe in any of these new appointments. and look with a cynical eye.

Are you saying that nobody will ever, ever measure up to your lofty goals?  Because that's what it sounds like to me.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2020, 10:41:15 pm »
Clarence Thomas has made noise about retiring. And at other times he relates that he likes the job.

He should figure on staying until the summer Court session ends in 2023. Then let Mr. Trump replace him, perhaps with a nominee of his recommendation.

Stephen Breyer is 82+. He is either going to learn from observing what happened to Ginsburg, or he, too, will go out like her.

Sotomayor has health problems. Not sure how long she'll continue to work.

Sotomayor has health problems? Did not know that.  Diabetes?  I am guessing, but I don't like her.  Member of LA RAZA.
That should have disqualified her. Racist.  Kagan needs to recuse herself, this time, regarding OBAMACARE...which she did not before, yet she HELPED CREATE IT.   Since the LEFT, wants recusals. /s

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2020, 10:41:33 pm »
I could write a book about how much I detest "gangs of XX."  They are, by design, a way of screwing the voters.  Jeff Flake was a perfect example.  He signed onto the "Gang of Eight" pushing for illegal immigration before he was even sworn into office.

"Gangs" in Congress are nothing more than a way of sidestepping the voters' intent.

Oh me too! I am not for it. But I recognize the strategic move. And I know the intent. In the end, Republican voters, who have forgotten that there are three wings in the Republican party, will find they have voted in exactly what they fear... And Conservatives will be the bagholder.

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2020, 10:47:52 pm »
Are you saying that nobody will ever, ever measure up to your lofty goals?  Because that's what it sounds like to me.

In judges, in the short term, hell yes. It is no faint praise to say I hold some small hope in Barrett being exactly what she seems to be. I have always declared judges to be 'wait and see'. Because it usually takes time to see where they really stand beyond the pretty picture the painters made for the purpose of the nomination and the popularity of the candidate.

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2020, 10:48:16 pm »
I could write a book about how much I detest "gangs of XX."  They are, by design, a way of screwing the voters.  Jeff Flake was a perfect example.  He signed onto the "Gang of Eight" pushing for illegal immigration before he was even sworn into office.

"Gangs" in Congress are nothing more than a way of sidestepping the voters' intent.

Agree. I remember all 4 RINOS, on the gang of eight group.  Marco Rubio, John McCain, Flake, and Lindsey Graham.

Same with Rubio in DIRTY DOZEN...going against NATIONAL EMERGENCY AT BORDER, when caravans were crashing our border & fences.  Rubio supports ILLEGALS.  They all have the nerve to say they are Republican.  Liars.

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Re: Rush: Winning! Three Conservative Justices in Four Years
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2020, 10:49:15 pm »
In judges, in the short term, hell yes. It is no faint praise to say I hold some small hope in Barrett being exactly what she seems to be. I have always declared judges to be 'wait and see'. Because it usually takes time to see where they really stand beyond the pretty picture the painters made for the purpose of the nomination and the popularity of the candidate.

I find that pretty easy to understand!  Thanks! :beer:
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