Author Topic: Skylord Keeps Warfighters Safe in the Heat of Battle  (Read 121 times)

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Skylord Keeps Warfighters Safe in the Heat of Battle
« on: October 19, 2020, 11:28:53 am »
Skylord Keeps Warfighters Safe in the Heat of Battle
Tamir Eshel -
Oct 6, 2020573

Sending machines to battle, instead of human operators, sounds like science fiction, but this is precisely what XTEND’s Skylord does today. While the current Skylord family members do not shoot weapons, they perform missions in hazardous conditions, enabling their human operators ‘sit inside’ the drones and perform the mission remotely. This telepresence technology disrupts HLS, military, and first responder’s markets, making the need to risk lives obsolete.

The SkyLord family employs XTEND’s edge technology with cognitive skills to safely perform dangerous missions. “The system uses augmented reality (AR) guidance and control technology to enable an operator to perform complex missions with great ease and precision, using an AR vision system and a single-handed controller.” Said Aviv Shapira, XTEND CEO. “This telepresence interface enables operators to immerse themselves and “step into” a remote reality and engage targets effectively yet safely.”