General Category > Biden Crime Family

Politico Spins Hunter Biden Email Story as Possible Russian Disinformation



--- Quote ---Russian disinformation! Ah! That old fallback excuse for liberals to explain away unpleasant news for them. Donald Trump wins the presidency in 2016. And of course, the left has made it perfectly clear they believe he's an illegitimate officeholder due to Russian disinformation. And now we have a bombshell report in the New York Post revealing inconvenient emails suggesting corruption on the part of Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Again, Russian disinformation is brought up again to explain it away in Politico.

Although Politico did not definitively blame Russian disinformation (mainly due to lack of proof) as the reason for the emails appearing at this time, Politico's Kyle Cheney and Natasha Bertrand strongly suggested this was the case on Wednesday in "Biden campaign lashes out at New York Post":
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Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: pjcomix on October 17, 2020, 10:06:10 pm ---

--- End quote ---

This spin scheme broke down fairly quickly when Hunter Biteme's own attorney verified it was, in fact, Hunter Biteme's laptop.  It also verified the computer techs story that he came into possession of the laptop (and contents) legitimately. 

At no time did any Russian's fingers leave his hand during this trick.  The Russians are 10,000 miles away from this tale.

"Russian disinformation"?
On young Biden's MacBook Pro?
Pray tell, how did it get there?
And why did his lawyer ask for it back?


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