Author Topic: The debate? Trump was great, Chris Wallace was a dreadful disgrace  (Read 1150 times)

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Re: The debate? Trump was great, Chris Wallace was a dreadful disgrace
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2020, 02:09:34 am »

I understand what you're saying. I like the fact that Donald Trump doesn't let himself be pushed around by the Left and the media (but I repeat myself). I just wish he would have the patience to do it in a more thoughtful and effective way. I remember the days when an insult was judged to be far more devastating when it was issued in a witty and literate way; it is always easier to hurl epithets than verbal lightning bolts. ("There you go again...") 

Look: our cultural institutions (including the media) are now so dominated by identity politics that even obvious malfeasance on the part of the Left is instantly denied and deflected, while blatantly false accusations toward those on the Right are instantly assumed as true. It's annoying, at best. But it has also caused normally peaceful and rational people to avoid conflict, because, well, they are afraid of being bullied and insulted, and who has the time to deal with that crap? 

That's why so many people like Trump, as uncouth as he can be: he doesn't take the crap, nor should he. I think that's a plus. But I do think he could accomplish the same thing by acting a little more like a statesman, and less like a brawler. Don't counter the other guy's every jab. Let the fool wear himself out first - and then punch his lights out.

I go through similar moments of worry when I think Trump had a good issue but he expressed it poorly, or when in my opinion his focus was wrong, or any number of other criticisms I have—like get a normal haircut, for cripsake. I suppose we all get that way.

But, in reality it’s nothing to get worked up over. Trump always seems to win in the end. He’s from Queens and grew up around construction workers. Wild guess, he probably didn’t spend much time on cultivating witticisms and tact. And he’ll never be compared to Churchill. He’ll have to live with that.

But, the other stuff Trump brings to the table is darn good and far outweigh his lack of diplomatic and language skills.

You gotta accept some people for who they are, rather than who you want them to be. Especially if they are as effective and accomplished as Trump has been—despite his shortcomings.