Author Topic: Nuclear option: Why Trump's Supreme Court pick needs only 51 votes  (Read 275 times)

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Nuclear option: Why Trump's Supreme Court pick needs only 51 votes
« on: September 26, 2020, 04:41:58 pm »

JULY 9, 2018

Nuclear option: Why Trump's Supreme Court pick needs only 51 votes

When President Trump announces his replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy on Friday night, his nominee will only need 51 votes in the U.S. Senate to be confirmed.

But for the vast majority of American history, nominees for nation's highest court effectively needed at least 60 votes, which often required some bipartisan support for the president's pick. Otherwise, a filibuster could hold up a nomination indefinitely.

So what happened? How did we go from 60 votes to 51?

Enter the "nuclear option"

It wasn't just Supreme Court nominees who needed 60 votes – federal judges and cabinet secretaries needed them as well.

But this arrangement had always been profoundly irritating to the party in power, particularly given the political polarization of recent decades. Time and time again, the party in control of the Senate and White House saw their selections for powerful positions filibustered by their opponents in the minority.


Did they [Republicans] use the nuclear option?

No. Republicans increased their Senate majority in the 2004 elections and the nuclear option was largely taken off the table. However, in 2013, Democrats were in charge of the Senate and White House, and it was the minority Republicans who were filibustering their judicial picks en masse.

So the Democratic Senate Majority Leader, Nevada's Harry Reid, decided to pull the trigger. The nuclear option was implemented for the first time, and the Senate rules were changed so nominees for cabinet posts and federal judgeships could be confirmed with just 51 votes. Republicans cried foul, despite threatening the nuclear option in the past, and Democrats who had been opposed to such a rule change quickly changed their tune. Then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said at the time, "You'll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think."

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Re: Nuclear option: Why Trump's Supreme Court pick needs only 51 votes
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2020, 06:16:19 pm »
Old Addled Harry continues to say he did the right thing.  Libs never regret what they did, except to say they wished they would have done more.

Harry Reid Has Absolutely No Regrets About Eliminating Filibuster
CHRIS CUOMO: You were there, you know the history better than I. [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell told you at the time when you removed the [filibuster] for the executive judiciary appointments that you’re going to regret this soon than you think. In 2016, when that happened, did you regret the move you made earlier?

SEN. HARRY REID: Absolutely not… [former President Barack] Obama had been elected president, and they [the Republicans] set out to do two things: Number one, he would not be reelected. And number two, anything Obama tried to do, they opposed.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington