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Tom Zawistowski tells us how to win
« on: September 22, 2020, 08:58:22 pm »
Tom Zawistowski is a name to remember.
He's a great asset for the cause of liberty.
His websites (very informative) are

He spoke in the Dayton area on Monday, September 14.
Here is some important information he provided.

1. We need people to work at the polls on Election Day.
We need conservatives there to make sure the other side doesn't try to cheat.
Many jurisdictions pay for your time.
Contact your local board of elections
or the Secretary of State office in your state.

2. Register voters.
Most states require that voters be registered at least 30 days before the election.
Find people you know who lean conservative,
but have not registered to vote.
For procedures, contact your local board of elections
or the Secretary of State office in your state.

3. The NRA has provided some great resources to help campaign for Trump.

Campaign for Trump by phone or text.  Texting is best.
It is illegal to set up a computer to send texts automatically.
We need humans to send texts one by one.
You can text on your IPad or PC from home at your convenience. (See NOTE)
Call or text David Conte at 703-708-4664 to get started.
The NRA provides an app to use to communicate via text.
The numbers to receive the texts are provided by the app.
They may be in your state, or any other state where the race is close.

a. Send the original text (provided by the NRA).
    If the recipient replies that they are voting for Trump, reply "That's great!"
    If they reply that they are unsure, click on the "unsure" button on the app.
    The NRA will send them some pro-Trump literature.
    If individual is still unsure,  someone, who has volunteered to do door-to-door outreach (D 2 D),
        will go to that house and hopefully be able to bring that person on board.

NOTE: The only personal information that anyone can see about you is your first name.
The phone number and all other information is related to the NRA , not you,
so you have no problem with someone knowing who you are, where you live, or your contact information.

Four years ago, Ohio conservatives provided more manhours to this effort
than all the other swing states combined.
Tom Zawistowski calculated that this time equaled a $10,000,000 contribution!

If we inform conservatives that these tools are available,
we can have a much bigger nationwide impact!

All you folks in the really conservative states
(or political orphans in the deep blue states)
can influence places like Minnesota and Pennsylvania,
to keep them from forcing the radical leftists on us
that the "Democratic" Party has become!

4. Sign rallies.
Have several people gather at a busy intersection and wave
Trump signs, flags, and American flags.

5. Car rallies.
Decorate your car with Trump signs, flags, and American flags
and parade around town in small (or large) groups.


The benefit of such public displays of support for Trump is
it helps persuade the segment of the population
that is heavily influenced by herd instinct.
It help make them feel comfortable, that it's okay to be for Trump,
because other people are for him, too.

You, too, can organize your very own Trump Train!
See   for how to do it.

6. DON'T count on the R party for help.
In 2016, the Ohio Republican Party "victory centers"
Yes, Kasich is THAT much of a traitor!
So Tom Zawistowski contacted the Trump campaign's national headquarters,
who then provided all the materials he requested.

7. DON'T rely on G-mail!  They filter your emails for you!
Google will not let you receive any email from any source they don't like!
Tom Zawistowski was sending out numerous emails,
and getting a 56% response rate.
Then Google announced in April that they will filter out "bad information."
Suddenly, Tom Zawistowski was getting a 10% response rate.
Every recipient who was getting their emails via Google
stopped receiving any of Tom Zawistowski's messages!

Speaking of email:
When you forward something from anyone,
and your recipient clicks on "unsubscribe"
it unsubscribes YOU, not them!
Delete the "unsubscribe" link before you forward ANYTHING!

8. Stay informed.
A good source is
Articles are posted from time to time.
New podcasts are posted every Friday.  They can be seen/heard anytime.
And you can subscribe to receive emails and texts, too.

One station that carries Tom Zawistowski's radio program is
WCVX - Christian Talk 1160 AM - in Florence KY.
You can get a free App - TuneIn on your phone or IPad  at

You can hear a very clear broadcast of his 1/2 hour radio program
which begins every Saturday morning at 9 AM Eastern.

9. Spread the word!
Tom Zawistowski says,
"Copy, send, forward, and post any and all of my materials as many places as you can! Please!"

Please send this message to everyone in all the local tea party groups!
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
   -- John Stuart Mill

Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao