If there was a crime then why isn't anyone being charged? All the charges against Kenneth Walker were dropped.
You'd have to ask the mayor and the DA.
And were she still alive you could ask Taylor why she dropped the domestic abuse charges against Kenneth walker a couple weeks prior to the shooting.
Had she not done that she'd still be alive today.
And you didn't answer the initial question.
Yet no drugs were found and the postal inspector said that their support of the law enforcement investigation uncovered no packages of interest ever being delivered to the address.
But nobody was struck, and the officer was fired. Punishment enough, don't you think?
No. Not when it comes to fire arms. One of the hard and fast rules is know what you're aiming at and what's behind what you're aiming at. This officer did neither.
If I'd fired one of my weapons that recklessly not only would I most likely lose my concealed carry license I'd be facing charges and confiscation of my firearms.
Not surprise.
Trying to inject other cases from other jurisdictions is a distraction and/or a straw man argument on your part.
It's lame. Try harder.
Why is it proper? How often have any Louisville police officers been charged for similar actions?
Asked and sneered a couple times already. And again a straw man on your part.