Author Topic: Leftist ‘News’ Sites Claim That 19 Years After 9/11, Biggest Terror Threat is Trump Supporters  (Read 85 times)

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Leftist ‘News’ Sites Claim That 19 Years After 9/11, Biggest Terror Threat is Trump Supporters
By Robert Spencer - on September 12, 2020
The far-Left hate site Raw Story took the opportunity of the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 jihad terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people to advance the claim that nowadays, the foremost threat the nation faces is not from jihadis, but from – you guessed it – “far-right white supremacists who love Trump.” It’s as predictable as it is absurd.

The Raw Story piece, written by Alex Henderson and picked up from the even loonier AlterNet, claims that “although the 9/11 terrorist attacks underscored the dangerous fanaticism of far-right Islamist groups, countless Republicans and supporters of President Donald Trump have ignored or downplayed another terrorist threat from the far right — white supremacy and white nationalism — and that threat is alive and well in the Trump era.” Who, according to Henderson, are these alleged white supremacists? Raw Story illustrated his article with a photo of Americans in California protesting the coronavirus lockdown hysteria. It doesn’t take much to make you the equivalent of the KKK these days.


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I guess looting, arson, murder, assault and battery, taking over cities, etc. are now the way of peace and demonstrating without those is violent. *****rollingeyes*****