Author Topic: Americans register disapproval of pro sports’ plunge into politics  (Read 70 times)

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 Posted on September 10, 2020 by Paul Mirengoff
Americans register disapproval of pro sports’ plunge into politics

This Spring, Sean Doolittle, the left-wing, left-handed relief pitcher for the Washington Nationals, said that America doesn’t deserve the “reward” of having spectator sports because Americans didn’t stay on lockdown as long as we should have. Or something.

Deserve them or not, we have spectator sports. All of the ones I follow, and some I no longer do, will be in action this weekend.

It seems, though, that a growing number of Americans are asking whether sports deserve our attention. As we have discussed, both on our blog and in our audio programs, television ratings are way down for the NBA. I suspect this has much to do with the intrusion of politics, especially the expression and display of political slogans all over the place, including on the players’ jerseys. In any case, that’s the reason why, after being an NBA fan for more than 60 years, I’ve tuned the league out.